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Epistle XXXVIII.1

The Letter of Caldonius, Herculanus, and Others, on the Excommunication of Felicissimus with His People.

Epistle XXXVIII.1

The Letter of Caldonius, Herculanus, and Others, on the Excommunication of Felicissimus with His People.

Caldonius, with Herculanus and Victor, his colleagues, also with Rogatianus and Numidicus, presbyters.2 We have rejected Felicissimus and Augendus from communion; also Repostus from among the exiles, and Irene of the Blood-stained ones;3 and Paula the sempstress; which you ought to know from my subscription; also we have rejected Sophronius and Soliassus (budinarius),4 -himself also one of the exiles.

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