49 1 Tim. ii. 5.

50 Phil. ii. 7.

51 John x. 30.

52 Ib. xiv. 29.

53 Mark xiii. 32.

54 Mehtuselah's age was a favourite problem with the early Church. See Aug. de Civ. Dei, xv. 13, and de pexx. orig. ii. 23, where it is said to be one of those points on which a Christian can afford to be ignorant. According to the septuagint, Methuselah lived for fourteen years after the deluge, so that more than `eitht souls0'' survived, and 1 Pet. iii. 20 appreared to be incorrect. According to the Hebrew and Vullgate there is not difficulty, as Methuselah is represented as dying before the deluge.

55 Heb. v. 12.

1 Exod. iii. 14.

2 Isai. xl. 12.

3 Ib. lxvi. 1, 2.

4 Reading mens finita and naturae finitatim for the infinita and infinitatem of the Benedictine Edition.

5 Ps. cxxxviii. (cxxxix.) 7-10.

6 Wisd. xiii. 5.

7 Cf. Hilary's explanation of this passsage in Book ii. §§ 19, 20.

8 St. John I. 1-14.

9 Col. ii. 8-15.

10 xxiii. 22, according to the LXX., .

11 ii. 14.

12 St. John x. 38.

13 The letter of Arius to Alexander; Book iv., §§ 12, 13.

14 Acts iv. 32: in this and the following passages unum is read.

15 1 Cor. iii. 8.

16 St. John xvii. 20, 21.

17 St. Luke xviii. 19.

18 St. John xvii. 3.

19 Ib. v. 19.

20 Ib. xiv. 28.

21 St. Mark xiii. 32.

22 Ib. xiv. 28.

23 St. John x. 30.

24 St. Luke xviii. 19.

25 St. John xiv. 9.

26 Ib. xvii. 10.

27 Ib. 3.

28 Ib. xiv. 11.

29 St. Mark xiii. 32.

30 Reading nativitas et nomen. The clause above, which is bracketed in Magne, appears to be gloss.

31 St. Matt. xxvi. 38.

32 Ib. 39.

33 Ib. xxvii. 46.

34 St. Luke xxiii. 46.

35 St. Matt. xxvi. 38.

36 St. Matt. xxvi. 64.

37 Ib. 39.

38 St. John xviii. 11.

39 St. Matt. xxvii. 46.

40 St. Luke xxiii. 43.

41 Ib. 46.

42 Ib. 34.

43 Reading non desirerasse.

44 St. John xx. 17.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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