320 Trin. xi. 40-42.

321 Tr. in Ps. ii. 27.

324 Dorner, 1. ii. 417. Dorner overlooks the birth in Baptism.

325 Tr. in Ps. ii. 27, 1iii. 14

326 Ib. cxxxviii. I9.

327 Ib. liii. 14.

328 lb. Iv. 12.

329 Trin. xi. 40, 49.

330 Ib. 40. habens in sacramento subiectionis esse ac manere cuod non est.

331 Trin. xi. 42, incrementum glorificati in eo Dei

332 E.g. Trin. ix. 4, x. 7.

333 Trin. in Ps. lxii. 3; of Comm in Matt.xvi.5.

334 Tr. in. Ps. lvi. 7, liii. 5. we muat remember the importance of names in Hilary's eyes. They are not arbitrary symbols, but belong essentially to the objects which they signify. Had there been no sin, from which man needed to be saved, he would still required raising to his name and nature.

335 Ib. cxviii. , Aleph, 1, cxxx. 6.

336 Ib. cxxxi. 23.

337 Trin. iii. 9.

338 Forster, op. cit.

339 Cf Harnack, Dogmengesch. ii. 281. But Harnack is unjust in saying that Had not quite made up his own mind.

340 Gwatkin, Studies of Arianism, p. 206 n. `Hilary's belief in the deity of the Holy Spirit is hardly more doubtful than St. John's: yet he nowhere states it in so many words.0'

341 If the word may be admitted for the sake of clearness. Hilary never calls the Spirit a Person.

342 §§23, 25, 30; so also ix. 69 and notably in x. 16. Similarly in Comm in Matt. iii. I, the Spirit means Christ.

343 Trin. Viii. 20, ix. 73 fin., and especially ii. 4. This last is not a reference to the Macedonian heresy, but to the logical result of Arianism.

344 T'rin. i. l7, v. I, 35, vii. 8, 31, viii. 31, 36, x. 6.&c.

345 Balzer, Theologie des hl. Hilarius, p. 51.

346 Trin. viii. 21, xii. 55.

347 The work by Tertullian in which the doctrine of the Spirit is most fully brought out; in which, in fact, He is first expressly named God, is the Adversus Praxean. It was written after his secession from the Church, and Hilary, upon whom it had more influence than any other of Tertullian's writings, may have suspected that this teaching was the expression of his Montanism rather than a legitimate deduction from Scripture, and so have been misled by over caution. He may also have been infuenced by such Biblical passages as Rev. xiv. I, where the Spirit is unnamed.

348 E.g. Tr. in Ps. ii. l6, 1I. 23.

349 Ib. Ivii 3.

350 lb. cxviii., Teth, 4, Ixiv. 5.

351 Ib. cxviii., Gimel, 3, 4.

352 Ib., Daleth, 1.

353 Ib. cxix. 19 (12).

354 Ib. cxix. lxviii. 9

355 E.g. ib cxviii., Aleph, 8, lii. 12. Natura infirmitalis is a favourite phrase.

356 E.g. ib. Iii. 9 cxviii., Gimel, 12,Vau, 6.

357 Ib. cxviii. Daleth, 8: cf. He, 16.

358 Ib. Iii. 12.

359 Ib. Ixviii. 22, based on St. Matt. x. 15.

360 Ib. 1ii. 1l. I2.

361 E.g. ib. cxviii., Prolog. 2, Alph, 12, Phe, 8.

362 Tr. in Ps. cxviii., He 12, Nun 20. But in the former passage the perseverance also depends upon the Christian.

363 Trin. ii. 35.

364 Tr. in Ps. cxviii., Nun II f.

365 Forster, loc cit.

366 So also the Sin against the Holy Ghost is primarily intellectual, not ethical; Comm. Matt. v. 15, xii. 17.

367 Ib. x. 23.

368 Trin. iv. 21; Tr. in Ps. Ixvi. 2; Comm. in Matt. xviii. 6.

369 Tr. in Ps. cxviii., He, 16.

370 Tr in Ps. Iix. 4 in.

371 Ib. cxlii. 6, cxviii., Ioa, 2. In regard to the latter passage we must remember once more what importance Hilary attaches to names.

372 Comm. in Matt. sx. 24, originis nostra pecata ; Tr. in ps. cxviii, Tau, 6, scit sub peccati lege se esse natum. Other passages must be cited from quotations in St. Augustine, but Forster, p. 676, has given reason for doubting Hilary's authorship.

373 E.g. Comm, in Matt. x. 24.

374 Tr. in Ps. cxviii., Vau, 4, Lamed, I; cf. Nun, 20.

375 E.g. Trin. ix. 10; Tr. in Ps. cxxix. 9.

376 Tr. in. ps. liii. 13 fin.

377 Comm. in Matt. xxxiii.6.

378 Ib. iii.2

379 Ib. iii. 3.

380 Tr.in.ps lxviii.8.

381 Tr.in ps. lxi.2.

382 Trin. ix. 7.

383 E.g. Trin. x.23,47 in.

384 E.g. Ib. x. 11.

385 Comm. in Matt. iii.2

386 E.g. Tr. in Ps. liii. 12,13 (translated in this volume) lxiv. 4.

387 Cf. Harnack, ii. 177; Schwane, ii. 271.

388 E.g. Tr. in Ps. liii. 4.

389 Cf. p. Ixxxv. fin. In Tr. in Ps. cxviii., Nun, 20, Hilary says `the reward of the consummation attained depends upon the initiative of the will ;0' so also Trin. i. 11.

390 Tr. in ps. ii. 40.

391 Hilary is commenting on the words, `I know, O Lord, that Thy judgments are right.0'

392 1 Cor. xii. 8.

393 Tr. in ps. cxviii., Iod, 12.

394 E.g. Trin. x. 70, xi. 1.

395 Tr. in Ps. cxviii., prolog. 4.

396 Ib. cxxxv. 3; cofessio is paraphrased by professa cognitio. Similar language is used in cxxxvii. 2 f.

397 Ib. ii. 38; cf lii. I2in., cxix. 11(4).

398 It is always confession to God directly. There is no hint of public or ceremonial confession, or of absolution. But Hilary's aabstinence from allusion to the practical system of the Church is so complete that no argurnent can ever be drawn from his silence as to the existence, or the importance in his eyes, of her instiyutions.

399 Tr. in Ps. Ixvi. 2, Ivi. 3.

400 Ib. cxviiii koph, 6.

401 Trin. i. 12.

402 Comm. in Matt. ix. 9.

403 E.g. Tr. in Ps. Iiii. 7.

404 E.g. Trin. I. 18.

405 Tr. in Ps. cxviii., Gimel. 5. Hilary never mentions Confirmation.

406 Tr. in Ps. Ii. 16, 17.

407 E.g. ib. cxxxi. 23; Trin. viii. 13. The latter is the only passage in Hilary s writings in which the subject is discussed at length: and even here it is not introduced for its own sake.

408 E.g. Tr. in Ps. i. 9 f., cxviii., Koph, 6. Conduct in church was not more exemplary than outside. The most innocent employment which he attributes to many of his people during the reading of the lessons is the casting up of their business accounts, Tr. in Ps. cxxxv. I.

409 Tr. in Ps. Iii. 9-I2.

410 Trin. ii. 35.

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