279 Greg. Nyss., De opif., ch. 20.

280 Text, eu0fraino/menoj. Variant , semnuno/menoj.

281 Ps. xlix. 12.

282 a0dokimoj; in Cod. R.2 a0doki/maston.

283 This paranthesis is absent in almost all codices and in the translations of Faber, &c.

284 Cf. Greg. Naz., Orat. 38 and 42; Cyril Alex., Cont. Anthrop., I. 8; Anast. II Antioch., Hexaem. vi; Chrysost., Hom. 10 in Ep. ad Rom., Hom. 5 in Ep. ad Epes., &c.BOOK III.

1 Gen. iii. 7; cf. Greg. Naz., Orat. 38 and 42; Greg. Nyss., Orat. Catech. c. 8.

2 Text, parei=den. Variant, periei=den.

3 Gen. vi. 13.

4 Ibid. xi. 7.

5 e0pistasi/a, care, or dominion.

6 Gen. xviii. I seqq.

7 Ibid xix. I seqq.

8 Wisd. ii. 24.

9 Greg. Naz., Orat. 12 and 38.

10 Text, pa/lhn. Variant, pla/sin, cf. "plasmationem" (Faber).

11 Text, parei/de. Variant, periei=den.

12 Greg. Nyss., Orat. Cathec., ch. 20 et seqq.

13 St. John i. 18.

14 Phil. ii. 6.

15 "Condescends to His servants" is absent in some mss..

16 Eccles. i. 10.

17 Greg. Nyss., Cat. ch 16.

18 Athan., De salut. adv. Christi.

19 Text, tou= Lo/lou. Variant, tou= Qeou= Lo/lou: so Dei Verbi (Faber).

20 St. Luke i. 27.

21 Hebr. vii. 14.

22 St. Luke i. 28.

23 Ibid. 30, 31.

24 St. Matt. i. 21.

25 St. Luke i. 34

26 "Of thee" is wanting in some mss.

27 St. Luke i. 35.

28 Ibid. 38.

29 Ibid. 27, 28

30 Greg. Naz., Orat. 38 and 42.

31 Cf. Athan., Ep. ad Serap., De Spiritu Sancto; Greg. Nyss., Contr. Apoll. 6, 25; Rufinus, Exp. Symb.; Tertullian, De Carne Christi and Contr. Prax.; Hilary, De Trin. II. 26.

32 Basil, Christi Nativ.

33 Cyril, Apolog. 5 and 8 anathem.

34 Cf. Greg. Naz., I Ep. ad Cledon; Cyril, I Ep. ad Nestor.; Theodor., ep. ad Joan. Antioch., &c.

35 Cyril., Epist. ad Monach.

36 Procl., Epist. 2 ad Arm.

37 rhn oi0konomi/an, the oeconomy, the Incarnation.

38 Cod. R. 2428 adds here some statements taken from the Dissertation against the Nestorians.

39 kata\ Monofusitw=n: these words are absent in mss.

40 Cf. Eulogius and also Polemon in the Collect. Contr. Severianos.

41 Max. Epist. ad Joan. cubic. p. 279.

42 Ibid. p. 286.

43 e0c e0te/rwn ta\ au0ta/.

44 Cf. Niceph. Call., Hist. xviii. 46.

45 Eulog. apud Max., t. ii. p. 145.

46 Cf. Sever., Ep. 2 ad Joannem.

47 Anast. Siniata, in 9Odhgw=, ch. 9; Leontius, contr. Nest. et Entych.

48 Greg. Naz., Ep. ad Cled., I.

49 to\n au0to\n e0pide/xontai lo\gon th=j fu/sewj; perhaps-all admit the same account of the nature,-all can be dealt with in the same way in respect of nature.

50 Leontius, Contr. Sev. et Eutych. Max. loc. cit., p. 277.

51 Reading w!sper e0pi\ a0to/mou, &c. These words are omitted in Cod. S. Hil. Reg. 10, Colb. 3, and N.

52 h! su/gkrasin, h@ a0na/krasin. The mss. omit the latter.

53 The word Eu0ruxh/j. however, is omitted by the best copies.

54 Procl., Epist. 2 ad Arm.

55 Greg. Naz., Hom. 5. See also John's Dialect., 65.

56 Leo papa, Epist. 10, ch. 4.

57 kata\ to\n a0ntido/sewj tro/pon, in the way of a communication of properties.

58 dia= th=n ei0j a!llhla tw=n merw=h perixw/rhsin. See Leont., De Sect., 7, Contr. Nest. et Eutych., I.

59 Leo papa, epist. 10, ch. 4.

60 1 Cor. ii. 8.

61 St. John iii. 13.

62 Cf. Athan., De Salut. adv. Christi; Greg. Naz., Orat. 38; Greg. Nyss., Contr. Apoll.; Leont., Contr. Nestor. et Eutych., bk. I; Thomas Aquinas, III., quaest. 16, art. 4, 5.

63 ei@doj, form, class, species.

64 Ps. xlv. 7.

65 Job i. I.

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