48 Ezek. xxxvii. 7, 10.

49 Ps. lxvi. 7.

50 Ps. lxxiii. 20.

51 Wisd. v. 9 sqq.

52 Zech. xi. 2.

53 Ps. ix. 18.

54 Hab. iii. 13.

55 Isai. liv. 2.

56 Ib. liv. 8.

57 1 Sam. ii. 30.

58 Deut. xxxii. 21, 34.

59 S. Matt. xviii. 20.

60 Gen. xii. 6; xiii. 12.

61 Ib. xix. 1.

62 Exod. ii. 15.

63 Judg. vii. 5.

64 Gen. xiv. 14.

65 Isai. x. 22; Rom. ix. 27.

66 1 Kings xix. 18; Rom. xi. 4.

67 1 Cor. viii. 6.

68 Jer. xxiii. 24.

69 Isai. lxvi. 1.

70 Ib. i 12.

71 To tread. etc. The Arians for a time had been in possession of the churches of Constantinople.

72 Isai. xxvi. 6 (lxx.).

73 Ib. lvii. 13; lxv. 9.

74 1 Sam. vi. 1.

75 Hos. iv. 6.

76 Go through, etc. This passage refers to the oration ofrest the churches to the orthodox by Theodosius, Jan. 10, A.D. 381.

77 Isai. lxii. 10.

78 Rev. ii. 1.

79 Isai. lxii. 10.

80 Ib. lvii. 14.

81 Acts. vii. 48.

82 Gal. iv. 26.

83 Heb. ix. 3, 24.

84 Rom. i. 6.

85 1 Pet. ii. 9.

86 S. Matt. xiii. 21.

87 2 Cor. vi. 10.

88 Isai. lx. 4.

89 Ib. xxviii. 1 (lxx.).

90 2 Tim. ii. 3.

91 2 Cor. xi. 17.

92 S. Matt. xi. 29.

93 Ib. viii. 17; Isai. liii. 4.

94 With three faces (or masks). A play upon the word pro/swpon which is used in theology in the sense of Person.

95 Properties. Cf. xliii. 30, note.

96 Deut. xxiii. 3.

97 2 Cor. xii. 17.

98 1 Kings xii. 2.

99 A Holy War. That against the Phocians to avenge their sacrilege at Delphi.

100 § 22 is a comparison of Ecclesiastical partisanship to the emulation and party spirit connected with the horse races in the amphitheatre.

101 Narrow strait, lit. Euripus.

102 Acts ii. 4.

103 The burning, etc., cf. This was by order of Valens.

104 Demand. After all these persecutions, some thought S. Gregory ought to have used his influence with Theodosius to requite or punish the former persecutors of the orthodox.

105 Perhaps, an ironical passage.

106 2 Cor. xii. 13.

107 1 Cor. ix. 22.

108 Gen. xxii. 8.

109 Anastasia. The little church "of the Resurrection" in which the orthodox Christians worshipped with S. Gregory at first on his arrival, while the churches of the city were held by the heretics.

110 Josh. xviii. 1.

111 1 Chron. xi. 4.

112 1 Cor. xv. 10.

113 Apostles. The Church of the Holy Apostles, to which Constantius translated the relics of SS. Andrew, Luke and Timothy.

114 Satan, i.e., "thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan" - in S. Gregory's case serious ill health.

115 Cor. xvii. 7.

116 S. James iv. 8.

117 Rom. x. 2.

118 1 Tim. vi. 20.

1 For when, etc. This seems to be the sense of an admittedly difficult sentence.

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