61 2 Cor. vi. 7; Rom. vi. 13.

62 It is doubtful whether this caution proceded from Cyril himself when issuing a written copy of his Lectures, or from some later editor. Eusebius (E.H. v. 20)_ has preserved an adjuration by Irenaeus at the end of his treatise, On the Ogdoad: I adjure thee, who mayest transcribe this book, by Our Lord Jesus Christ, and by His glorious advent, when He cometh to judge the quick and the dead, to compare what thou hast written and correct it carefully by this copy, from which thou hast transcribed it; this adjuration also thou shalt write in like manner, and set it in the copy.

63 Gr. to\ su/nolon. Plat. Leg. 654 B; Soph. 220 B.

1 The title prefixed to this Lecture is given in full. In the following Lectures the form will be abbreviated. See Index, a'na/gnwsij and sxediasQei=sa.

2 Is. i. 16.

3 Ezek. xviii. 31.

4 Luke xv. 7.

5 Matt. xi. 28.

6 Compare xv. 25.

7 Is. i. 16.

8 Ps. xxxii. 1. See Procat. 15.

9 Procat. I, note 6.

10 See Index, "Confession."

11 Eph. iv. 22; Col. iii. 10.

12 2 Cor. I. 22.

13 Luke xvi. 9.

14 Compare xv. 25.

15 John iii. 8.

16 Matt. xxv. 21.

17 Ps. vii. 10.

18 Matt. vii. 6.

19 Gr. knohto/n, i.e. the true Paradise, to be seen by the mind, not by the eye. Apoc. xii. 7, 17.

20 See preceding note.

21 Rom. xi. 24.

22 John xv. 1, 4, 5.

23 Matt. xxi. 19.

24 Ps. lii. 10.

25 nohth/, see note 1, above.

26 1 Cor. iii. 6. When Paul plants and Apollos waters, it is God Himself who works through His ministers.

27 2 Cor. vi. 2.

28 Literally "human."

29 Some Mss. omit th= proseuxh= after sxola/zeij.

30 Ps. xlvi. 10: sxola/sate. Comper Procat. 13.

31 Compare Procat. 17: xviii. 1.

32 See Index, su/nacij.

33 Ps. xxiii. 1- 3.

34 Is. viii. 18; Heb. ii. 13.

1 1 Kings xviii. 4.

2 Jer. ii. 21.

3 Eccles. vii. 29.

4 Eph. ii. 10.

5 Prov. vi. 27.

6 Milles and the Benedictine Editor omit these clauses, but the more recent editions of Reischl and Alexandrides insert them on the authority of Munich, Jerusalem, and other good Mss.

7 Prov. iv. 25.

8 Omitted by recent editors with the best Mss.

9 Gr. kekoi/mhtai "has fallen asleep."

10 Eccles. x. 4. Compare Eph. iv. 27: "Neither give place to the devil."

11 1 John iii. 8; John viii. 44.

12 On Cyril's doctrine of the Angels, see Index, "Angels."

13 1 Kings v. 4, &c.

14 Ezek. xxviii. 12-17, an obscure passage, addressed to the Prince of Tyre, and meaning that he was "the perfect pattern" of earthly glory, set in a condition like that of Adam in Paradise, and, seemingly, blameless as Adam before his fall. Cyril seems to regard the Prince of Tyre as an embodiment of Satan, because he was deified as the object of national worship: v. 1, "Thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God."

15 Luke x. 18.

16 Literaly, "its old age" (to\ gh=raj). Compare iii. 7, and Dict. Chr. Biogr., Macarius, p. 770 a.

17 Ps. xxxi. 20.

18 Ps. xxxii. 5.

19 This is the reading of the Septuagint instead of - "He placed at the east of the garden of Eden."

20 Gen. iv. 12: "A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be upon the earth."

21 Josh. ii. 11.

22 Ps. lxxxvii. 4. "Rahab" is there a poetical name of Egypt, and the passage has nothing to do with Rahab the harlot. The Benedictine Editor rightly disregards S. Jerome's suggestion, that Rahab is, like Egypt, a type of the Gentile Church.

23 2 Tim. ii. 13.

24 Ex. xxxii. 4.

25 Deut. ix. 20.

26 For "all time," the reading of the best Mss., the Benedictine text has "all mankind."

27 The Benedictine has, "But if thou wilt I will set before thee other examples also of our state? Come on to the blessed David."

28 2 Sam. xii.

29 Bened. "The king, the wearer of the purple."

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