518 Matt. xxi. 12, Matt. xxi. 13, R.V.

519 Matt. xxvii. 51.

520 Matt. xxiii. 38.

521 R.V. marg.

522 Luke x. 41, Luke x. 42.

523 Cant. iii. 4.

524 Cant. vi. 9.

525 Gal. iv. 26.

526 Cf. Gen. xxvi. 8.

527 R.V.

528 Cant. v. 2, Cant. v. 4, Cant. v. 8.

529 Cant. iv. 12.

530 Gen. xxxiv.

531 Cant. iii. 2, Cant. iii. 3.

532 Matt. vii. 14.

533 Cant. iii. 2; Cant. v. 6.

534 Cant. v. 7.

535 Cant. v. 2.

536 Cant. i. 13.

537 Cant. i. 7, R.V.

538 Cant. i. 8, LXX.

539 Prov. iv. 23.

540 Matt. xxv. 33.

541 Isa. xxvi. 20.

542 Matt. vi. 6.

543 Rev. iii. 20.

544 Cant. v. 2, Cant. v. 3.

545 Cant. v. 6.

546 Eccles. x. 4, A.V., "the spirit of the ruler."

547 Dan. vi. 10, LXX.

548 Jer. ix. 21.

549 Joh. v. 44, R.V.

550 Jer. ix. 24.

551 1 Cor. i. 31.

552 Gal. i. 10.

553 Gal. vi. 14, R.V. marg.

554 Pss. xliv. 8; Pss. xxxiv. 2.

555 Matt. vi. 3, Matt. vi. 16-18.

556 Ps. cxxxi. 1.

557 Matt. vi. 16.

558 Ps. liii. 5, according to the Roman Psalter.

559 Cucullis fabrefactis, ut ad infantiam redeant, imitantur noctuas et bubones.

560 1 Cor. xi. 14.

561 2 Tim. iii. 6, 2 Tim. iii. 7.

562 Diomede. See Lucretius, v. 31, and Virgil, A. i. 752.

563 Gen. iii. 1.

564 2 Cor. ii. 11.

565 Cur mens diversa sit. The ordinary text has "menda."

566 1 Cor. vii. 9.

567 1 Cor. xv. 33.

568 1 Tim. v. 11, 1 Tim. v. 12.

569 Persius i. 104.

570 2 Cor. vi. 14, 2 Cor. vi. 15.

571 Viz., the epistles of St. Paul. In like manner the Psalter was often called David.

572 1 Cor. viii. 10.

573 Tit. i. 15.

574 1 Tim. iv. 4.

575 1 Cor. x. 21.

576 Matt. vi. 21.

577 Ps. vi. 5.

578 Luke xvi. 12.

579 Prov. xiii. 8, R.V.

580 Matt. vi. 24.

581 Matt. xiii. 7, Matt. xiii. 22.

582 Matt. vi. 25.

583 Matt. vi. 32.

584 Matt. vi. 25, Matt. vi. 26.

585 2 Cor. xii. 10, 2 Cor. xii. 7.

586 Ps. xcvii. 8.

587 Job i. 21.

588 1 Tim. vi. 7.

589 Matt. vi. 2.

590 Terence, Eun. 236.

591 "The eucharist was at first preceded, but at a later date was more usually followed, by the agape or love-feast. The materials of this were contributed by the members of the congregation, all of whatever station sat down to it as equals, and the meal was concluded with psalmody and prayer." (Robertson, C. H., i. p. 235.) Scandals arose in connection with the practice, and it gradually fell into disuse, though even at a later date allusions to it are not infrequent.

592 1 Tim. vi. 10.

593 Col. iii. 5.

594 Matt. vi. 33.

595 Ps. xxxvii. 25.

596 1 Kings xvii. 4, 1 Kings xvii. 6.

597 1 Kings xvii. 9-16.

598 Acts iii. 6.

599 1 Tim. vi. 8.

600 Gen. xxviii. 20, Gen. xxviii. 21.

601 Gen. xxxii. 5, Gen. xxxii. 10.

602 Luke xii. 15.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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