2862 Matt. xiv. 13-21.

2863 According to the common tradition, but Hermon is more likely to have been the place.

2864 In the original `Hermon and the Hermons0'; an allusion to the Hebrew text of Ps. xlii. 6.

2865 Jud. v. 21, Vulg.

2866 Luke vii. 11-15.

2867 Jud. xv. 17-19, R.V.

2868 Micah i. 1, Micah i. 14.

2869 Jer. ii. 18.

2870 Isa. xix. 18.

2871 Ps. lxxviii. 12.

2872 A mistake: No is Thebes.

2873 i.e. presbyters and deacons. Cf. ยง29, infra.

2874 At that time the most famous of the Egyptian hermits.

2875 Ps. vi. 6.

2876 Jerome's own name had been coupled with Paula's when they both lived at Rome, but he was able to shew that his relations with her were wholly innocent.

2877 2 Cor. viii. 13, 2 Cor. viii. 14.

2878 Luke iii. 11. The word alteram, one of two (therefore, Jerome means, retaining the second) is found in the Syriac Version of Cureton. It is not found in the Vulgate.

2879 Matt. v. 7.

2880 Ecclus. iii. 30.

2881 Luke xvi. 9.

2882 Luke xi. 41.

2883 Dan. iv. 27, LXX.

2884 Zech. ix. 16, LXX.

2885 Rev. xxi. 14.

2886 Rev. xxi. 19-21.

2887 Job ii. 4, Job ii. 5.

2888 Matt. xxiii. 27.

2889 Hor. C. ii. x. ii.

2890 Wisd. ii. 24.

2891 The enemy of Solomon-1 K. xi. 14. Who Paula's enemy may have been we do not know.

2892 2 Cor. xii. 7.

2893 Gen. xxvii. 41-46: Gen. xxviii. 1-5.

2894 1 Sam. xxi. 10.

2895 Matt. v. 39.

2896 Rom. xii. 21.

2897 Phil. ii. 7, Phil. ii. 8.

2898 Job xl. 8, LXX.

2899 Matt. v. 10.

2900 Ps. xxxix. 1, Ps. xxxix. 2, acc. to the Gallican psalter.

2901 Ps. xxxviii. 13.

2902 Ps. xxxviii. 14.

2903 Deut. xiii. 3.

2904 Isa. xxviii. 9-11, LXX.

2905 Rom. v. 3-5.

2906 2 Cor. iv. 16.

2907 Vulg.

2908 2 Cor. iv. 17, 2 Cor. iv. 18.

2909 Isa. xlix. 8.

2910 Isa. li. 7, Isa. li. 8.

2911 Luke xxi. 19, R.V.

2912 Rom. viii. 18.

2913 1 Th. iii. 4, R.V.

2914 Prov. xiv. 29.

2915 2 Cor. xii. 10.

2916 2 Cor. iv. 7.

2917 1 Cor. xv. 54.

2918 2 Cor. i. 5.

2919 2 Cor. i. 7.

2920 Ps. xlii. 11.

2921 Luke ix. 23.

2922 Luke ix. 24.

2923 Matt. xvi. 26.

2924 Job i. 21.

2925 1 Joh. ii. 15-17.

2926 Ps. lxxvii. 4, Vulg.

2927 Matt. x. 37.

2928 Ps. lxxix. 11, LXX.

2929 1 Cor. iv. 9.

2930 1 Cor. iv. 10.

2931 1 Cor. i. 25.

2932 Ps. lxix. 5.

2933 Ps. lxxi. 7.

2934 Ps. lxxiii. 22, Ps. lxxiii. 23.

2935 Mark iii. 21.

2936 Joh. viii. 48.

2937 Luke xi. 15.

2938 2 Cor. i. 12.

2939 Joh. xv. 19.

2940 Cf. Ps. xliv. 21.

2941 Ps. xliv. 17, Ps. xliv. 18.

2942 Ps. xliv. 22.

2943 Ps. cxviii. 6, P.B.V.

2944 Prov. vii. 2, LXX.

2945 Cf. 1 Cor. ix. 11.

2946 The Gathering; perhaps used, like the Greek sunodoj, for the Communion. The opening prayer came thus to be called The Collect. See note on Letter LI.

2947 For the canonical hours see note on Letter XXII.

2948 1 Cor. iv. 21.

2949 1 Tim. vi. 8.

2950 Cf. Sall. Cat. xi.

2951 Ecclus. xiii. 2.

2952 Ps. lxiii. 1.

2953 e.g. Aristotle, E.N. ii. 6.