1 Ps. lvii, 4.

2 Matt. v, 11, Matt. v, 12.

3 Matt. x, 25.

4 John vii, 12.

5 Matt. xi, 19.

6 Jerome Ep. lxxxiv, 8.

7 Bp. of Aquileia at the time of this Apology and maintaining friendly relations with both Jerome and Rufinus. (Ruf. Pref. to Eusebius in this Volume. Jer. Ep. vii, lx. 19, Pref. to Bks. of Solomon &c. &c.)

8 See Jerome Ep. vii. It is not known of what church he was Bp.

9 Brother of Chromatius. See an allusion to him in Jerome, Ep. viii, and lx, 19. His see is unknown.

10 Matt. xi, 27.

11 1 Cor. ii, 10.

12 1 Cor. xv, 20.

13 Rev. i, 5.

14 1 Cor. xv, 23.

15 1 Cor. xv, 42-4.

16 animale.

17 Phil. iii, 21.

18 Col. i, 18.

19 Rufinus frequently taunts Jerome with having paid too much heed to the Jewish teachers from whom he learned Hebrew.

20 Cor. xv. 50.

21 Rom. xiv. 4.

22 That is, Origen. Rufinus insinuates that Jerome owed and cared more for Origen than he chose to avow.

23 This word originally meant simply learning. It was then applied in a special sense to mathematics. But the mathematici under the later Roman Empire became identified with astrologers.

24 See these Prefaces translated in the earlier part of this Volume.

25 Corresponding to the single and double inverted commas used in this translation.

26 1 Cor. xv, 50.

27 1 Thess. v, 21, 1 Thess. v, 22; Gal. vi, 16.

28 See the translation of this document in this Volume.

29 Or First Principles (De Principiis).

30 Of Alexandria. He was at first friendly to Origenism, afterwards bitterly opposed to it. John wrote to him complaining of the conduct of Epiphanius. and explaining his own views. See Jerome's letter (lxxxii) to Theophilus, and his Treatise Against John of Jerusalem. In the latter of these charges occur like those here noticed by Rufinus.

31 IIeri 'Arxwn Book I. c. 1.

32 Col. i, 15.

33 John i, 18.

34 Matt. xi, 27.

35 Matt. v, 8.

36 Jerome's friend Eusebius of Cremona, of whom Rufinus complains as having taken occasion from this old friendship to purloin and falsify his mss. See below c. 20, 21.

37 Marcella. See below in this chapter. Also, Jerome Letter cxxvii, c. 9, 10.

38 James iii, 2.

39 Eusebius of Cremona, Jerome's friend and emissary, alluded to above in this chapter.

40 Gal. v, 10.

41 Jerome, Letter lxi, c, 2; a passage which shows that Jerome had adopted much the same method as Rufinus in translating Origen.

42 The words are not quoted literally from Jerome's letter to Pammachius and Oceanus (Ep. lxxxiv. c. 2) the passage referred to; but they give the sense fairly well. See also the letter to Vigilantius (lxi. c. 2).

43 Proefati unculam. That is, the Preface to Origen's Song of Songs, in which he says that Origen has not only surpassed every one else, but also in this work has surpassed himself.

44 Perhaps from 1 Cor. xi, 29, or Rom. xiv, 23.

45 Possibly a kind of paraphrase of our Lord's words to the woman taken in adultery. John viii, 11.

46 summusthn, that is one who partakes with us in the mysteries; hence, initiated into the same secret, or special opinions.

47 Ephes. v, 28.

48 Gen. i, 27.

49 Quoestiones. Examinations or inquisitions. It seems here to mean the method which God follows in distinguishing between individuals.

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