36 Died 67?, probably after 64 at least.

37 Giscalis, supposed thus to have originated at Giscalis and to have gone from there to Tarsus, but this is not generally accepted.

38 The Lord stood by all mss. and eds; God. Her.

39 lion. 2 Tim. 4. 16-17.

40 from the mouth of the lion, and again shortly "The Lord delivered me" (substantially) A H 25 30 31 a e etc.; omit T. Her. There are slight variations; God H 21 Bamb Bern. Norimb.; I was delivered Val. Cypr. Tam. Par 1512 etc.

41 The Lord ...kingdom 2 Tim. 4. 18.

42 for I ...at hand 2 Tim. 4. 6.

43 into H 31 a e. and many others; in A T 25 30.

44 also to A H T 25 30 a e Norimb, Bamb.; also 3l; omit, Her. who seems to have omitted on some evidence possibly Bern.

45 Died in Salamis 53 (Ceillier Papebroch), 56 (Braunsberger), 61 (Breviarum romanum), 76 (Nirschl). The discussion of the date of his death is a good deal mixed up with the question of the authenticity of the work.

46 Mark Acts 15, 37.

47 Died 83-4?.

48 we send ...churches 2 Cor. 8. 18.

49 Luke ...salutes you Col. 4. 14.

50 Luke ...with me 2 Tim. 4. 11.

51 fourth A T H 25 30 31 Val. etc.; fourteenth. Her. Sigbert. S. Crucis.

52 Acts of Paul and Thecla (Acts = Journeyings) Cf. Acts of Paul and Thecla, tr. in Ante Nic. Fath. v. 8 pp. 487-92.

53 apocryphal writings A H 31 e a Bamb Norimb. Val. etc.; apocrypha Her. T 25 30.

54 apostle Paul A H e a etc. Val; omit Paul T 25 30 31 Her.

55 Flourished 45 to 55?.

56 She who A H T 25 30 31 a e Val etc; the church which. Her. and one mentioned by Vallarsi, also in Munich mss. 14370.

57 She who ...saluteth you 1. Pet. 5. 13.

58 a book A H 31 a e etc; and Her.; omit T 25 30. This work entitled On a contemplative life is still extant but is generally regarded as not by Philo.

59 had all things in common Acts 2. 44.

60 so ...saw A H a e 31? Val.; so he saw and recorded. T 25 30 Her.

61 Annianus succeeding him A H T 25 30 a e Val etc.; omit Her. 31.

62 Exiled to Patmos 94-95.

63 Gaius A H 25 30 31 a e; Caius Her. T.

64 in its turn A H T 31 a e Val. etc; omit T. 25 30.

65 after Nero A H 30 31 a e. Bamb. Norimb. Cypr. Val.; omit T 25.

66 Pertinax A H T 25 30 31 a e Norimb. Cypr. etc; Nerva Pertinax Bamb. Ambros. Her.; Nerva principe. Val.

67 The date of Hermas depends on what Hermas is supposed to be the author. He is supposed to be 1 the Hermas of the New Testament, or 2 the brother of Pius I (139-54) or 3 a still later Hermas. All these views have distinguished advocates, but this view of Jerome taken from Origen through Euse bius is not much accepted.

68 Hermas A T 25 30 e; Herman Her. Val. a 31; Hermam H Cypr.

69 Salute (omitting Asyncritus) A H T 25 30 31 a e etc. Cypr.; add Asyncritus Val. Her. Greek from the New Testament.

70 Hermes Patrobas Hermas A H T 25 30 a e Val. Gr. etc.; omit Hermes. A Her.

71 Salute ...them Rom. 15, 14.

72 Visited Rome a.d. 40, and must have lived (Edersheim) ten or fifteen years after his return.

73 From this etc. Acts 2, 4; Acts 4, 32.

74 desire to imitate the mss.; strive to be Cypr. Fabr. Val., on account of the difficult construction with imitate.

75 Caius Cypr. Fabr. Val.; Gaius all the mss.; omit Her.

76 Died 65.

77 Sotion Cypr. Val. Her.; Phothion fotion, fotinus Socion or Sozonis, the mss.

78 and Seneca A H e a 21 10 Fabr. Val. etc.; or Seneca T 25 30 31 Her.

79 Born a.d. 37, died after 97.

80 Flourished 100.

81 Justus a 21 10 Fabr. Val.; Justinus others.

82 Bishop 91 or 2-101. Died 110 (Euseb. Ch. Hist.) It is by no means certain that Clemens Romanus is the Clemens mentioned in the New Testament. Compare discussions by Salmon in Smith and Wace, and M'Giffert in his translation of Eusebius.

83 With Clement ...life Phil. 4, 3.

84 Anacletus Val. Fabr. Her.; Anencletus, Anincletus, Anenclitus, H 25 31 e; Cletus (or Elitus). T 30 31; Anicletus, 10; Anecletus, A; Aneclitus, a.

85 apostle A H 25 30 31 a e; apostle Peter T Fabr. Val. Her.

86 Bishop about 70, died about 107.

87 In this last etc. Eusebius from whom he quotes says Smyrneans. Lightfoot maintains that Jerome had never seen the Epistles of Ignatius.

88 quotations etc. This is taken bodily from Eusebius. The translation is M'Giffert's adapted to the Latin of Jerome.

89 tortures A H T 25 30 31 e; all the tortures a. Fabr. Val. Her.

90 Bishop 106 or 7-157-168 (?); 154 sq (Lipsius) Authorities differ as to dates of his death from 147-175. Bishop certainly (Salmon) 110.

91 130 (Salmon).

92 what John A H 25 30 31 a e; omit T Her.

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