121 The value of Chrysostom and Severianus as independent witnesses is somewhat weakened by the fact, pointed out by Schulze, that among the writings of the former some are attributed to the latter.

122 The Apost. Const. vii. 46. represent Ignatius as ordained by St. Paul. Malalas describes St. Peter as ordaining Ignatius on the death of Euodius. Vide article "Euodius" in Dict. Christ. Biog.

123 Bp. Lightfoot (Ap. Fathers pt. II. ii. 290.) adopts the reacting kata qelhma kai dunamin for kata qeothta, and notes "Theodoret strangely substitutes qeothta for qelhma. This reading ...may be due to ...ignorance of the absolute use of qelhma. The Armenian translator likewise has substituted another word.

124 Matt. iii. 15.

125 Ig. ad Smyrn. I.

126 There is a play here on the sapkoforoj, nekroforoj, and, possibly, qeoforoj. Vide Pearson and Lightfoot ad loc. (Ignat. ad Smyrn. V.)

127 "A saying to this effect is attributed to Our Lord by Didymus on Ps: lxxxviii 8. It is mentioned also by Origen Hom. XX. In Jerem: Sec. III." Bp. Lightfoot l. c.

128 Ignat. ad Smyrn. IV.

129 Compare note on page 72.

130 Bp. Lightfoot adopts the reading of Cod. Med. "that by his passion he might cleanse the water." Ig. ad Eph. XVIII.

131 Ig. ad Eph. XX.

132 Ignat. ad Eph. VII.

133 Ig. ad Trall. ix.

134 Luke ii. 4.

135 Ps. cxxxii. 11.

136 Is. vii. 13.

137 Cont. Haer. iii. 31.

138 John iv. 6.

139 Ps. lxix. 26. A. V. They talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded. lxx. R. V. They tell of the sorrow of those whom thou hast wounded.

140 John xi. 35.

141 Luke xxii. 44.

142 Mat. xxvi. 28.

143 John xix. 34.

144 Cont. Haer. iii. 32.

145 Rom. v. 19.

146 Cont. Haer. iii. 20.

147 Ps. lxxxii. 67.

148 Cont. Haer. iii. 21.

149 Vide note on page 72.

150 Adv. Haer. iii. 26. The allusion is to the gnostics and mainly to Valentinus and his school who imagined seven heavens, and a supercelestial space termed "Ogdoad." "The doctrine of an Ogdoad of the commencement of finite existence having been established by Valentinus, those of his followers who had been imbued with the Pythagorean philosophy introduced a modification. In that phiiosophy the tetrad was regarded with peculiar veneration, and held to be the foundation of the sensible world." Cf. Hippolytus Ref. vi. 23, p. 179 "We read there (Iren. i. xi.) of Secundus as a Valentinian who divided the Ogdoad into a right hand and a left hand tetrad, and in the case of Marcus who largely uses Pythagorean speculations about numbers the tetrad holds the highest place in the system." Dr. Salmon, Dict. Christ. Biog. iv. 72. Irenaeus wrote a work, no longer extant, "on the Ogdoad." Euseb. H. E. v. 20.

151 Ps. xxxviii. 5.

152 Vide Isaiah xix. 1.

153 Bishop first of Olympus and then of Patara at the beginning of the 4th c. This is the only fragment preserved by Theodoret.

154 Acts vii. 57.

155 Prov. viii. 22. Sept.

156 John ii. 19.

157 John xv. 5and John xv. 1.

158 Ps. xii. 22.

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