27 Matt. vii. 34. [R. V., "from their borders."]

28 kata\ a0nagwgh/n. [Comp. the "analogical" sense of Scripture in the later Hermeneuties. But Origen and others had already made ther term a0nagwgh/ familiar and technical in the usage of ecclesiastical Greek.-R.]

29 ["demons."]

30 swmata/.

31 Matt. vi. 24.

32 [ou swyroni/zee.]

33 Perhaps the xpu/sea xalei=wn, of which Erasmus Says, "Conveniet uti, quoties officium aut munus longe impari munere pensatur Admissus est in *principis, sed excitit ex amicitia Christi." Adag. 1, Cent. ii. Prov. 1.

1 [R. V., accepting the same Greek text with Chrysostom, "thy sins are forglven."-R.]

2 John v. 1.

3 John v.6.

4 tw=| t=j oi/konomi/aj lo/hw|. [ "Incarnation" expresses better the technical sense of the Greek term, as here used. Comp. Homily XIII. 2, .81, note.-R.]

5 Mark ii. 4.; Luke v.19.

6 Matt. viii. 3.

7 Matt. viii. 8.

8 [e0qorubou=nto; a stronger word than the Gospel narratives suggest. The translator tones it down, as above.-R.]

9 Matt. viii. 3. Comp. Mark ii. 7 [from which the latter part of the citation is taken.-R.]

10 Matt. viii. 3.

11 Matt. viii. 10.

12 Matt. viii. 6. [ "Upon the earth" is placed in this peculiar position by Chrysostom here. In the next reference to the passage the correct order is followed.-R.]

13 John x. 33.

14 John x. 37,38.

15 Matt. ix. 3, 4.

16 monw/tatoj.

17 2 Chron. vi. 30.

18 Ps. vii. 9.

19 Jer. xvii. 9, LXX.

20 1 Sam. xvi. 7.

21 to\ a0nepaxqe/j.

22 Matt. ix. 4.

23 [R. V., margin, "authority;" compare the next paragraph. On the order, see note 7, p. 196.-R ]

24 Matt. viii. 4.

25 Matt. ix. 5, 6.

26 diw|kisme/non, literally, "distributed into different habitations;" as when the population of Mantinea was broken up by the Laced'monians, diw|ki/sqh n9 Mantinei/a: see Xen Hellenic, v. 2, 7; comp. Dem. de Pace, i. 59, ed. Reiske; de Fals. Leg. i. 366.

27 lu=sai.

28 [ to a!tufon.]

29 [ The reference here seems to be to God, but a reflexive sense is not improbable ; "indicates that He Himself is," ete.-R.]

30 Matt. ix. 8. [R. V., "they were afraid," for "they marvelled" (A. V.) But Chrysostom's text agrees with that of the received, followed by the A. V.]

31 prosi/sato au0toi=j.

32 John ix. 16.

33 Micah vi. 3.

34 Acts ix. 4.

35 2 Tim. ii. 25.

36 Luke ix. 55. [This clause is not found in the oldest Greek Mss. of the New Testament. Comp. R. V. text and margin.-R.]

37 Tit. ii. 8.

38 1 Sam. ii. 30. ["Shall be despised," according to the form given in the text. But in the LXX. the last verb is not the same as the preceding one.-R.]

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