23 Chap. v. 46.

24 Ps. xliii. 1.

25 Chap. viii. 15.

26 Chap. iii. 17.

1 Chap. ix. 39-41.

2 Or, "substance:" Alius, non aliud.

3 Ver. 38, unum; lit. "one thing or substance."

4 Bishop of Sirmium, who published his heretical opinions about A.D. 343.

5 2ti. ii. 19.

6 Isa. vii. 9, according to the Septuagint, which, however, can hardly be said here to give the meaning of the Hebrew text. Our English version gives a pretty correct translation of the latter.-Tr.

7 Phil. iii. 15, 16.

8 Praeter me: besides, apart from, myself. These words are an explanation suggested by Augustine himself. The words, "pro\ e/mou=," "before me," of the received text, which are undoubtedly genuine, were wanting in the version here used by Augustine, just as in the Vulgate. It is supposed that the authors of these versions had been tempted to omit them, because of the use made of them by some early heretics to throw discredit on the Old Testament Scriptures.-Tr.

9 Chap. i. 1.

10 Chap. xiv. 6.

11 Venturus est, et venit.

12 2 Cor. iv. 13.

13 Ps. cxvi. 10.

14 Augustine seems here to use verbum sometimes in its grammatical, sometimes in its general, meaning.-Tr.

15 1 Cor. x. 1-4.

16 Exceptor: the person employed to take down notes of the decisions, sentences, etc., in the public courts or assemblies.-Tr.

17 Chap. viii. 28.

18 Ezek. xxxiv. 4.

19 2 Tim. ii. 19.

20 Rom. vii. 29-33.

21 Eph. i. 4.

22 Matt. x. 22.

23 Ps. cxviii. 15.

24 Matt. v. 25.

25 Ps. lxxxvi. 11.

26 Luke x. 20.

27 Rom. vi. 9.

28 Chap. xvii. 24.

29 1 John ii. 19.

30 Eph. iii. 17.

31 Ps. civ. 23.

32 Matt. v. 16.

33 Gal. v. 6.

34 Rom. i. 17.

35 Matt. v. 6.

1 Ostiarius.

2 Wisdom i. 1.

3 Proprietates.

4 Isa. liii. 7.

5 Chap. i. 29.

6 Rev. v. 5.

7 Proprietatem.

8 Chap. i. 1.

9 Chap. xvi. 13.

10 Matt. vi. 5.

11 Germane, like a brother.

12 Phil. ii. 19-21.

13 Germane, like a brother.

14 Matt. vii. 16.

15 Matt. xxiii. 2, 3.

16 Phil. i. 15-18.

17 2 Cor. xi. 33.

18 Phil. i. 24.

19 Matt. x. 23.

20 1 Tim. v. 20.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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