94 1 Cor. xv. 53.

95 Ps. ciii. 3.

96 Ps. ciii. 4.

97 Rom. vi. 12.

98 Ecclus. xxi. 1.

99 Ecclus. xxi. 1.

100 Rom. vi. 12.

101 Rom. vii. 15.

102 "Concupisco" in the Latin, and hence used in this discussion.

103 Rom. vii. 16.

104 "Concupisco" in the Latin, and hence used in this discussion.

105 "Concupisco" in the Latin, and hence used in this discussion.

106 "Concupisco" in the Latin, and hence used in this discussion.

107 Rom. vii. 17.

108 Rom. vi. 13.

109 Rom. vii. 17.

110 Rom. vii. 18.

111 Ecclus. xviii. 30.

112 Ex. xx. 7.

113 Rom. vii. 19-21. The punctuation of the passage in Latin differs from that ordinarily used with us, and hence this sense results.

114 Rom. vii. 22, 23.

115 This sharing of joy with the law of God: "Ista condelectatio legi Dei.".

116 2 Cor. iv. 16.

117 John xx. 2.

118 Rom. vii. 18.

119 Rom. viii. 23.

120 Rom. vii. 24.

121 Gal. v. 17.

122 Rom. vi. 12.

123 Rom. vii. 25.

124 Rom. viii. 1.

125 Rom. viii. 2.

126 Rom. i. 17.

127 An allusion, of course, to the meaning of the word "Christ," from Chrisma, and meaning "the Anointed One."

128 Ps. xxxiii. 1, 2.

129 Eph. v. 25.

130 Matt. vi. 12.

131 Heb. iv. 15.

132 Pro libero arbitrio, lib. 3.

133 In chartula.

134 [This able and learned man was much the most formidable of the Pelagian writers. Besides this book, Augustine wrote three large works against him, the treatise Against Two Letters of the Pelagians, and the two treatises Against Julian the last of which is usually called The Unfinished Work from the circumstance that Augustine left it incomplete at his death. Julian was a son of a dear friend of Augustine, and was himself much loved by him. He became a "lector" in 404, and was ordained bishop by Innocent I. about 417. Under Zosimus' vacillating policy he took strong ground on the Pelagian side, and, refusing to sign Zosimus' Tractoria, was exiled with his seventeen fellow-recusants, and passed his long life in vain endeavours to obtain recognition for the Pelagian party. His writings included two letters to Zosimus, a Confession of Faith, the two letters answered in Against Two Letters of the Pelagians (though he seems to have repudiated the former of these), and two large books against Augustine, the first of which was his four books against the first book of the present treatise, against extracts from which the second book was written, whilst Augustine's Against Julian, in six books, traverses the whole work. To this second book Julian replied in a rejoinder addressed to Florus, and consisting of eight books. Augustine's Unfinished Work is a reply to this. Julian's character was as noble as his energy was great and his pen acute. He stands out among his fellow-Pelagians as the sufferer for conscience' sake. A full account of his works may be read in the Preface to Augustine's Unfinished Work, with which may be compared the article on him in Smith and Wace's Dictionary of Christian Biography-W.]

1 Written A.D. 420.

2 See Augustine's Unfinished Work against Julian, i. 18.

3 This Augustine afterwards did by the publication of six book against Julianus, on receiving his entire work. Augustine tells us (Unfinished Work, i. 19) that he had long endeavoured to procure a copy of Julianus' books for the purpose of refuting them, and only succeeded in getting them after some difficulty and delay.

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