3 In his epistle (157) to Hilary, written a little while before this work, he mentions Coelestius and the condemnation of his errors in a Council held at Carthage: he expresses also some apprehension of Coelestius attempting to spread his opinions in Sicily: "Whether he be himself there." says Augustine, "or only others who are partners in his errors, there are too many of them; and, unless they be checked, they lead astray others to join their sect; and so great is their increase, that I cannot tell whither they will force their way," etc.

4 2 Tim. iii. 13.

5 Sociorum ejus. It has been proposed to read sectatorum ejus,-not unsuitably (although not justified by Ms. evidence), because Coelestius "had," to use Jerome's words, "by this time turned out a master with a following,-the leader of a perfect army."-Jerome's Epistle to Ctesiphon, written in the year 413 or 414.

6 Gal. v. 17.

7 Ps. xxv. 17.

8 [An accident "is a modification or quality which does not essentially belong to a thing, nor form one of its constituent or invariable attributes: as motion & relation to matter, or heat to iron."-Fleming: Vocabulary of Philosophy.-W.]

9 Eph. ii. 3.

10 [Coelestius had in the previous breviate confined sin to either nature or accident: Augustine declares it to be a property. By this he apparently means that it is a non-essential attribute, without which man would remain man, but yet not what is called a "separable accident."-W.]

11 Ex. xx. 17.

12 2 Cor. iv. 16.

13 Matt. ix. 13.

14 Matt. ix. 12.

15 2 Cor. iv. 16.

16 Rom. viii. 24, 25.

17 Rom. xiii. 10.

18 1 John iii. 2.

19 Ps. xxv. 17.

20 John viii. 38

21 2 Pet. ii. 19.

22 Matt. ix. 12.

23 Ps. xxxi. 7.

24 2 Cor. iv. 16.

25 An application of Rom. ix. 28.

26 Matt. xxii. 40.

27 Matt. xxii. 37.

28 Matt. xxii.. 39.

29 Matt. xxii. 40.

30 Ex. xx. 27.

31 Deut. vi. 5.

32 Rom. xii. 2.

33 Rom. xii. 2.

34 Wisd. viii. 21.

35 Rom. v. 5.

36 Phil. iii. 13.

37 Gal. iii. 24.

38 Gal. v. 17.

39 5Ina mh a\ a_n qelhte, tau=ta puih=te.

40 Rom. vi. 12.

41 Matt. vi. 13.

42 Wisd. ix. 15.

43 1 Cor. xv. 35, 36.

44 Ps. xxxii. 2.

45 Matt. vi. 12.

46 Matt. vii. 2.

47 See above, in his work De Spiritu et Litterâ, 64; also De Naturâ et Gratiâ, 45.

48 Matt. vi. 12.

49 Gal. v. 17.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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