114 Ecclus. xxxiv. 25. See Book I. c. 9, 10.
127 See Book I. cc. 3, 4, 4, 5.
130 Ministri ejus cui credidistis. See 1 Cor. iii. 4, 5.
144 See Book III. c. Cresconium, cc. 27, 28, 31, 32.
146 See Book I. cc. 21, 22, 23, 24.
2 In Book 11. c. xlviii of his Retractations, Augustine says: "About the same time" (as that at which he wrote his treatise De Gestis Pelagii, i.e., about the year 417), "I wrote also a treatise De Correctione Donatistarum, for the sake of those who were not willing that the Donatists should be subjected to the correction of the imperial laws." This treatise begins with the words "Laudo, et gratulor, et admiror." This letter in the old editions was No. 50,-the letter which is now No. 4 in the appendix (Benedictine) being formerly No. 185.
3 He handles the same thought in Ep. 93.
4 The correspondence between Augustine and Boniface is limited to Epp. 185, 189 and 220. The sixteen smaller letters are spurious. For note to Boniface and translations of 189 and 220, see vol. I of this series pp. 552 and 573.
9 This epistle was produced in the fifth conference of the fifth ecumenical Synod (553), when the point was under debate whether Theodorus of Mopsuesta could be condemned after his death.