1 Matt. ix. 16.

2 Gal. iv. 9.

3 1 Cor. x. 11.

4 Matt. xiii. 52.

5 Matt. xvi. 23.

1 Rom. xi. 16-26.

1 Book vi. 2.

1 Rom. i. 3.

2 2 Cor. v. 16.

3 1 Cor. xiii. 11.

4 [The extremely subjective method of dealing with Scripture which Augustine ascribes to Faustus, was characteristic of Manichaeism in general.-A. H. N.]

5 Gal. iv. 4, 5.

6 2 Tim. ii. 8.

7 1 Cor. xv. 3, 4, 12.

8 Gen. ii. 22.

9 1 Cor. xi. 5.

10 Vulg.

11 1 Cor. xv. 35-53.

12 1 Tim. i. 17.

13 Natus.

14 Factus.

15 Phil. iii. 15.

16 [This is an excellent statement of the doctrine of Scriptural authority, that has been held to by Protestants with far more consistency than by Catholics.-A. H. N.].

17 Luke xxiv. 39.

18 1 Cor. xv. 50-53.

19 Rom. vi. 9.

20 Col. iii. 1, 2.

21 Tit. iii. 5.

22 Rom. viii. 23-25

23 2 Cor. v. 14-18.

24 Eph. ii. 4-7.

25 Rom. vii. 5.

26 Rom. viii. 8, 9.

27 1 Cor. xiii. 11.

1 Matt. iii. 17.

2 John xvi. 28.

3 John viii. 13-18.

4 John x. 38.

5 Rom. i. 21.

6 Lib. xi.

7 Rom. i. 1-3.

8 Rom. ix. 1-5.

9 Gal. iv. 4, 5.

10 Rom. iii. 1, 2.

11 John v. 46.

12 Luke xxiv. 44.

13 2 Cor. iii. 15, 16.

14 Luke xvi. 27-31.

15 Rom. iii. 21.

16 2 Cor. i. 20.

17 Rom. ix. 6-8.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

Site under the auspices of St. Job of Pochaev Print Shop of Holy Trinity Monastery ("Jordanville") (seminary, museum, publications).

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