31 The patriarchs.
32 1 Cor. xiii. 9.
33 Hab. ii. 4.
34 2 Cor. v. 6.
35 Ch. 6.
36 1 Tim. iii. 1.
37 Augustine's words are: e0ti/, quippe, super; skopo/j, vero, intentio est: ergo e0piskopei=n, si velimus, latine superintendere possumus dicere.
38 Ch. 21.
39 Ex. xxii. 20.
40 Gen. xxii. 18.
41 Ex. xxii. 20.
42 Ps. xcvi. 5.
43 Augustine here warns his readers against a possible misunderstanding of the Latin word for alone (soli), which might be rendered "the sun."
44 Ps. xvi. 2.
45 Ps. cxliv. 15.
46 I Tim. ii. 2; var. reading, "purity."
47 Jer. xxix. 7.
48 Matt. vi. 12.
49 Jas. ii. 17.
50 Gal. v. 6.
51 Wisdom ix. 15.
52 Job vii. 1.
53 Jas. iv. 6; 1 Pet. v. 5.
54 Gratia meritorum.
1 John v. 29.
2 Rom. ix. 14.
3 Rom. xi. 33.
4 Ps. cxliv. 4.
5 Eccles. i. 2. 3.
6 Eccles. ii. 13, 14.
7 Eccles. viii. 14.
8 Eccles. xii. 13, 14.
9 Rom. iii. 20-22.
10 Matt. xiii. 52.
11 Matt. xi. 22.
12 Matt. xi. 24.
13 Matt. xii. 41, 42.