4 Arhj and pa/goj.

5 1 Cor. xv. 46, 47.

6 The priests who officiated at the Lupercalia.

7 Aeneid, viii. 321.

8 Isa. xlviii. 20.

9 Virgil, Eclogue, viii. 70.

10 Virgil, Eclogue, v. 11.

11 Varro, De Lingua Latina, v. 43.

12 Aeneid, vi. 767.

13 The Sibylline Oracles are a collection of prophecies and religious teachings in Greek hexameter under the assumed authority and inspiration of a Sibyl, i.e., a female prophet. They are partly of heathen, partly of Jewish-Christian origin. They were used by the fathers against the heathen as genuine prophecies without critical discrimination, and they appear also in the famous Dies irae alongside with David as witnesses of the future judgment ("teste David cum Sibylla.") They were edited by Alexander, Paris, 2d. ed. 1869, and by Friedlieb (in Greek and German). Leipzig, 1852. Comp. Ewald: Ueber Entstehung, Inhalt und Werth der sibyll. Bucher, 1858, and Schürer, Geschichte der jüd Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu (Leipzig, 1885), ii. § 33, pp. 700 sqq., Engl. transl. (Hist. of the Jews in the times of Jesus. Edinburgh and New York, 1886), vol. iii. 271 sqq.-P. S.]

14 [Hence the fish was a favorite symbol of the ancient Christians. See Schaff, Church Hist. (revised ed.), vol. ii. 279 sq.-P. S.]

15 Hos. i. 1.

16 Amos i. 1.

17 Isa. i. 1. Isaiah's father was Amoz, a different name.

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