43 See this further discussed in Gen. ad Lit. vii. 35, and in Delitzsch's Bibl. Psychology.

44 Jer. xxiii. 24.

45 Wisdom viii. 1.

46 1 Cor. iii 7.

47 1 Cor. xv. 38.

48 Jer. i. 5.

49 Compare de Trin. iii. 13-16.

50 See Book xi. 5.

51 The deity, desirous of making the universe in all respects resemble the most beautiful and entirely perfect of intelligible objects, formed it into one visible animal, containing within itself all the other animals with which it is naturally allied.-Timaeus, c. xi.

52 Ps. xlvi. 8.

1 This book is referred to in another work of Augustine's (contra Advers, Legis et Prophet. i. 18), which was written about the year 420.

2 On this question compare the 24th and 25th epistles of Jerome, de obitu Leoe, and de obitu Blesilloe filiae. Coquaeus.

3 Ps. xlix. 12.

4 On which see further in de Peccat. Mer. i 67, et seq.

5 De Babitismo Parvulorum is the second half of the title of the book, de Peccatorum Meritis et Remissione.

6 1 Cor. xv. 56.

7 Rom. vii. 12, 13.

8 Literally, unregenerate.

9 John iii. 5.

10 Matt. x. 32.

11 Matt. xvi. 25.

12 Ps. cxvi. 15.

13 Much of this paradoxical statement about death is taken from Seneca. See, among other places, his epistle on the premeditation of future dangers, the passage beginning, Quotidie morimur, quotide enim demitur aliqua pars vitae.

14 Ecclus. xi. 28.

15 Ps. vi. 5.

16 Gen. ii.17.

17 Gal. v. 17.

18 Gen. ii. 17.

19 Gen. iii. 9.

20 Gen. iii. 19.

21 Wisdom ix. 15.

22 A translation of part of the Timaes, given in a little book of Cicero's, De Universo.

23 Plato, in the Timaeus, represents the Demiurgus as constructing the kosmos or universe to be a complete representation of the idea of animal. He planted in its centre a soul, spreading outwards so as to pervade the whole body of the kosmos; and then he introduced into it those various species of animals which were contained in the idea of animal. Among these animals stand first the celestial, the gods embodied in the stars, and of these the oldest is the earth, set in the centre of all, close packed round the great axis which traverses the centre of the kosmos.-See the Timaeus and Grote's Plato, iii. 250 et seq.

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