8 Or, cup-bearers.

9 Ex. xxx. 23; Cant. iv. 14; Ezek. xxvii. 19.

10 Comp. Ps. xxiv. 7, according to the LXX.

11 Three of the five MSS. either omit the prayer altogether, or give it very briefly.

12 Or, couches.

13 The text of this exhortation also varies much in the four MSS. which give it.

14 Or, look.

15 Or, in us.

16 Or, who.

17 Or, who.

1 Dius was the first, and Xanthicus the sixth, of the twelve lunar months of the Macedonian calendar, which after the time of Alexander was adopted by the Greek cities of Asia generally. Dius fell partly in October and partly in November; Xanthicus answered generally to April.-Smith's Dict. of Antiq., s. v. Mensis. Another reading is: I shall begin in Hyperberetaeus-the twelfth month.

2 Or, remission.

3 One of the MSS. has: that there is one God, namely Jesus.

4 One MS. has: But if thou buy it, thou shalt live in it. And he said to them: Can I buy it? And they said to him: See that thou obtain one like this which thou seest, or better if thou wilt, that when thou comest hither again, thou mayst not be driven into the darkness.

5 One of the MSS. here ends the history in these words:-And he sent, and brought out Thomas, and said to him: Pardon us if we have an ignorance been in any way harsh to thee; an dmake us to be partakers of him whjom thou preachest. And the apostle says: I too rejoice with you, that you are made partakers of His kingdom. And he took and enlightened them, having given them the washing of grace in the name of Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, to whom is due all glory and kingdom without end. And when they had gone up straightway out of the water, the Saviour appeared to them, so that the apostle wondered, and a great light shone brighter than the rays of the sun. And having confirmed their faith, he went out, going on his way in the Lord.

6 i.e., give thanks, as in Matt. xi. 25, Luke x. 21, etc.

7 OR, Eucharist.

8 i.e., by it.

9 One MS. for this whole section has: The two brothers having been set apart by the apostle, said to him, Give us the seal in Christ. And he ordered them to bring him oil. And ends the history thus: And he arose, and sealed threm in the name of Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and baptized them. And the Lord was reveled to them, through a voice saying ot them, peace unto you! And the apostle sealed also all that were with them. And they all beleived in our Lord Jesus Christ: and the whole of India become believing. The last sentence in the text seems to be an interpolation. The oil was not for the lamps, but for the ceremony of baptism. The practice of bpatizing with oil instead of water-one of the "notable and execrable" heresies of the Manichaeans-is said to have been founded on this passage.

10 Lit., the seaing up.

11 Lie., the administration.

12 Perhaps for prosbolh|= we should read probol|=, projection or emanation.

13 Or, communicants of the Eucharist.

14 Or, arising from the things of the body.

15 Comp. Matt. vi. 34.

16 Luke xii. 24.

17 Or, announcement.

18 Matt. xi. 30.

19 Lit., master of the debt.

20 i.e., bet.

21 In this passage we have one of the data for fixing the date of the writing.

22 Or, from those to whom he was lent.

23 And, by implication, gigantic.

24 Or, by them.

25 Matt. xix. 23.

26 Matt. xi. 8.

27 Rom. xiii. 13; Luke xii. 34.

28 Matt. vi. 25.

29 1 Cor. ii. 9; Isa. lxiv. 4.

30 Or, establishes.

31 Or, and that there may be.

32 Comp. Acts xvii. 30;

33 Or, no one else.

34 Or, grace.

35 Comp. Matt. viii. 29.

36 Or, wife.

37 i.e., get another instead of thee, my beloved.

38 Matt. xiv. 17; John xxi. 11; John iv. 6; Matt. xiv. 25.

39 Rom. viii. 29.

40 Matt. xxvii. 63.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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