1 Vol. i. pp. 371-376. These Selections are often quoted as "Eclogues."

1 [I have prefixed this title, which Mr. Wilson has omitted. possibly because these extracts are themselves somewhat abridged.]

2 [For all the confusions about Theodotus and the divers persons so called, see Lardner, Credib., viii. 572-579. These are the extracts commonly called the Eclogues or Excerpts of Theodotus; but they do not contain certain passages, which may have been interpolations.]

3 Spirits.

4 [See vol. vi., this series, note 9, p. 147.]

5 Gen. i. 1.

6 Hos i. 2.

7 a0rxh/

8 a0rxh/n.

9 Hos. i. 10, 11.

10 Hos. i. 7.

11 a0rxh/

12 Hos v. 2.

13 "Blow ye the cornet in Gibeah, and the trumpet in Ramah."-A. V.

14 Hos. v. 8.

15 Moses who divided the sea, and Joshua who divided the Jordan.

16 Joshua = Jesus

17 Gen. i. 2.

18 [In a quotation which Jones makes from the Excerpts (not found here) the reverse is shamelessly asserted. Canon, vol. i. p. 375.]

19 diplo/hj-substantive.

20 Prov. xiii. 24.

21 o#tan ou\n pistou= sw/matoj h0|.

22 The sense is hazy. but about as clear as that to be obtained by substituting conjecturally for prosbolh/n (assault), pro\j bolh/n, or e/pibolh/n or e0piboulh/n.

23 Isa. xl. 6.

24 2 Cor. iv. 18.

25 Matt. vi. 33, 32.

26 Matt. vi 27; Luke xii. 25.

27 Matt. xii. 44.

28 Deut. xvii. 6.

29 [This looks as if the text of the three witnesses had been in this compiler's copy of St. John's First Epistle. See vol. iii. Elucid. 111, p. 631. St. Augustine also seems to me to sustain the African text it the De Civit., lib. v. cap. xi. p. 154, ed. Migne.]

30 Matt. v. 6.

31 Isa. xix. 20.

32 The reading is ei0 mh\ parh/sei pro\j to\ oi0kei=on te/loj; and the Latin translator renders "si non segnes simus ad finem proprium." It seems better, with Sylburgius, to take ei mh as equivalent ei0 de= mh\, and to put a comma after mh\, so as to render as above.

33 [A happy reference to the Lord's Prayer as connected with St. Paul's reference to the Abba: and it is worth while to compare the use of this word with the prayer as used in the synagogue. Vol. v. Elucid. III. p. 559, this series.]

34 [A happy reference to the Lord's Prayer as connected with St. Paul's reference to the Abba: and it is worth while to compare the use of this word with the prayer as used in the synagogue. Vol. v. Elucid. III. p. 559, this series.]

35 Rom. viii. 15: Gal. iv. 6.

36 Matt. xii. 50.

37 Matt. xxiii. 9.

38 Eph iii. 15.

39 a!nqrwpon.

40 fila/nqrwpoj.

41 1 Cor. xv.49.

42 Matt. iii. 11.

43 Matt. iii. 12.

44 Or spirit-pneu/matoj

45 Luke xii. 49.

46 presbu/teroi

47 It seems better, with Sylb., to read akrbou=j, qualifying, e0ceta/sewj (as above), than a0kribw=j, adv. qualifying basanizo/menon, tested.

48 1 Cor. i. 18.

49 1 Cor. i. 18.

50 1 Cor. i. 18.

51 gnw/sij

52 gnw/sij

53 [It is not to be doubted that much sound Alexandrian teaching is here mixed up with folly. ]

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