7 This from a marginal reading.

8 I suspect it should rather be impellers, reading fero/ntwn for e0rw/twn.

9 [Compare the different use of these details in Recognitions, x. 24; also in Homily kVI. 21.-R.]

1 [Compare in general, with chaps. 2-22, the mythological statements in Recognitions, x. 17-41.-R.]

2 [Compare. Recognitions, x. 17, 31.-R.]

3 The passage seems to be corrupt.

4 The common story about Dionysus is, that he was the unborn son, not of Metis, but of Semele. Wieseler supposes that some words have fallen out, or that the latter part of the sentence is a careless interpolation.

5 [Compare, on "the supper of the gods," chap. 15, and Recognitions, x. 41.-R.]

6 [With this discourse and its cosmogony compare the discourse of Clement and his brothers in Recognitions, x. 17-19, 30-34.-R.]

7 Iliad, vii. 99.

8 L. 116.

9 This is the emendation of Davisius. The Greek has e0c a0koustou=; the Latin, "mirum in modum." Wieseler suggests e0cakontisto/n.

10 This is Wieseler's emendation for "received."

11 [Comp. Recognitions, x. 17, 31, 32.-R.]

12 Wieseler corrects to "some such being," etc.; and below, "of him who appeared," etc.; and "he took his seat."

13 The first word of this quotation gives no sense, and has been omitted in the translation. Lobeck suggests "at its prime;" Hermann, "Heracapeian;" Duentzer, "ancient;" and Wieseler, "white."

14 [Comp. Recognitions, x. 32.-R.]

15 The Paris ms. has "very fine."

16 [With chaps. 8-10 compare Recognitions, x. 32, 34.-R.]

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