1 [See vol. i. p. 187, note 2.]

2 This extract and the following are taken from the preface to the Chronicon Paschale.

3 [Routh, R.S., vol. i. p. 160.]

4 Pa/lin kaqa/rsia, qu. palinkaqa/rsia = "re-purifiers."

1 Westcott, Canon, p. 432, note 1; Lightfoot, Ap. Fathers, pp. 379, etc., 494.

2 See Lardner, Credib., vol. ii. cap. 23, p. 259.

3 They cannot be satisfactorily answered, it seems to me, save by the appeal to John xx. 19, 26, Acts xx. 7, 1 Cor. xvi. 2, and Rev. 1. 10, for "the Lord's day," and to the Council of Jerusalem (Acts xv. 28; Col. ii. 16) for the repeal of Sabbatical ordinances: and to the great laws (Matt. xvi. 19: John xiv. 26: Matt. xxviii. 20) of plenary authority given by Christ Himself to His Apostles.

4 1 Cor. 7, 8, and margin or Revised Version; also Acts xii. 4 and 12.

5 Acts ii. 1, xx. 16; 1 Cor. xvi. 8.

1 In Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., v. 24.

2 'Arradiou/rghton a!gomen te\n h9me/ran.

3 Stoixei=a.

4 [See vol. vii. p. 500, n. 6. Great confusions adhere to this name.]

5 Du/o qugate/rej au0tou= geghrakui=ai parqenoi.

6 Politeusame/nh. [Phil. iii. 20, Greek.]

7 Pe/talon. [Probably the ornament of the high priest; Exod. xxviii. 35, 36.]

8 [i.e., spiritually; embracing a chaste celibacy in deference to Christ. Matt. xix. 12.]

9 'Episkophn.

10 !Hrnue. Some read h0rtue.

11 Acts v. 29.

12 Ton mikro/n.

1 See (Polycrates) p. 773, supra, and Eusebius, H.E., book v. cap. xxiii., etc. pp. 222-226.

1 In Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., v. 25.

2 [Note, the authority of Alexandria is quoted, note that of Rome.]

1 Westcott, Canon, p. 444. Lardner, Credib., ii. 264, 417.

1 In Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., v. 19.

2 Yeudou=j ta/cewj.

3 In Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., v. 12.

4 The reading of Migne, o0no/mati, is adopted instead of \ono/mata.

5 Ta\ toiau=ta ou0 parela/bomen.

6 Dokou=n.

7 Ai9re/sei tini\ o9 nou=j au0tw=n e0nefw/leuen.

8 The construction is not again resumed.

1 Routh, Rel. Sac., vol. i. pp. 465-485l.

2 Westcott, Canon, p. 433.

1 In Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., v. 18.

2 a0cio/piston.

3 kathxei=n.

4 sunagwnizesqai toi=j th=j kainofwni/aj lo/goij.

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