5 Tw=n gigome/nwn (e0n) au0tw|=, Migne.

6 This word, a0ge/nnhton, is added from Migne's conjecture.

7 'Ek tw=n u0posta/ntwn genhtwn.

8 'Ek tou= u#lhn au0to/n u9potiqe/nai.

9 'Ec ou0k o!ntwn. [Note this phrase. Comp. vol. vi. p. 292, n. 3.]

10 9Upokeime/nwn.

11 For sullelo/gistai w9j sullelo/gistai a0du/naton ei\nai doca/zein, Migne reads, w9j sullelo/gistai a0du/aton ei\nai doca/zein.

12 Lit. "in something." Whether the materials or the art is meant is not very clear. Possibly there is a play of words in the use of the two prepositions, e0k and e0n.

13 Migne, instead of parasthnai, conjectures parasth=sai, which, however, would not suit what appears to be the meaning.

14 Ou0si/aj tina/j.

15 Swmatikh/n tina su/stasin.

16 Th\n su/stasin e!xei.

17 Migne reads ou0si/aj for ai0ti/aj.

18 'Ana/rxwj.

19 Reading, with Migne, ei0 o# ti for ei! ti.

20 Or "indifferent:" a0dia/foroi.

21 Migne rewads e0p' eu0ergesi/a| for e0sti\n eu0ergesi/a.

22 The text has, su/nqetoj de\ o0 ko/smoj; which Migne changes to, pw=j dh\ su/nqeto/j e0stin o9 ko/smoj;

1 Westcott, Canon, p. 248.

2 See vol. i. p. 187, this series, and references in my note (11.) on same page. The incident occurred during the war against the Quadi, a.d. 174.

3 Part ii. vol. i. pp. 469-476.

4 See p. 766, note 3, supra; also vol. vii., this series, p. 338.

5 Rel. Sac., tom. ii. p. 196; and Ibid., tom. i. pp. 157-174.

6 Rel. Sac., tom. i. p. 173.

7 Ap. Fathers, pat ii. vol. i. p. 428.

8 See p. 775, infra.

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