5 As in Gal. v. 7, answering to the Gk. e0ko/ptw. The verb (Pa.) properly means to disquiet (As in John xiv. 1), then to hinder.-TR.

6 The ordinary word for "Christians" in these documents is the borrowed Xristianoi/: here a native word is used, formed from the one which we read as "Messiah."-TR.

7 A corruption of the word samuhra/ is used here. It is said by Josephus, Antiq., xx. 2, 3, to have been the name given by the Assyrians to some kind of sword. Suidas mentions it as a barbarian word for spa/qh, a broadsword. Cureton's "scimetar" would be preferable, as being somewhat more distinctive, if it appeared that a scimetar could have two edges.-TR.

8 The temptation was strong to render , "became unleavened" (or, "tasteless"), a sense apparently required by the decided figure employed and by the language of the next couplet, where "insipid " corresponds to "salt." The word (=a!zumon), moreover, if not the Arabic (to which Schaaf, though it does not appear no what authority, assigns the meaning "sine fermento massam subegit"), seems to point in the same direction. Dr. Payne Smith, however, is not aware of any instance of the proposed meaning: he says, "My examples make = e0kleipw, to fail."-TR.

9 Or "brought to contempt."-TR.

10 Lit. "society."-TR.

11 Or "that his voice might cease."-TR.

12 Lit. "mooted."-TR.

13 Lit. "reached the king in great rage (i.e., so as to cause great rage, being often = ei0j denoting result), and, because . . ., he decreed."-Dr. PAYNE SMITH.

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