61 Rom viii. 6 (fro/nhma).

62 Rom. viii. 9.

63 Lit. "the worship of idols." The single word sometimes used to express "idolatry" (as in Eph. Syr., opp. tom. i.p. 116), is not found in these epistles

64 Lit. "much talking."

65 Lit. "empty words."

66 The word thus rendered is not in the lexicons, but is well illustrated by Isa. xxix. 21 ("that make a man an offender"), where the Hiphil of )+/x/

67 The word is used in the Peschito of 1 Tim. vi. 5, to express diaparatribai/ ("incessant quarrellings," Alf.); [R. V., "wranglings"-R.].

68 Ex. Conject. Beelen. The word is not in the lexicons.

69 Or "power."

70 Lit. "folly," but so used in 2 Cor. xii. 13.

71 Or "returning of evils."

72 Col iii. 5.

73 1 Tim. vi. 10.

74 1 Pet. v. 5; Jas. iv. 6.

75 John iii. 6, 31.

76 Rom viii. 7.

77 Rom vii. 18.

78 Gen. vi. 3. [This is an example of the vicious method of interpretation, not yet extirpated, which carries Paul's distinctive use of the term "flesh" hack to the Pentateuch, where no ethical sense is necessarily implied.-R]

79 Rom. vii. 9. [The Apostle speaks of "the Spirit of Christ."-R. ]

80 1 Sam. xvi. 14.

81 1 Cor. ix. 27.

82 1 Tim. vi. 11.

83 Gal. v. 22.

84 Phil. ii. 15, 16.

85 Isa. lxi 9

86 1 Pet. ii. 9

87 1 Cor ii. 9

88 Or "life."

89 The words which follow, "concerning those things which we speak," appear not to be genuine.-Beelen.

90 Beelen supposes a e#n dia\ duoi=n: "along the lonely road."

91 i.e., virginity

92 Prov. xxvi. 9

93 Prov. xv. 19 (LXX.).

94 Lit. "profit and righteousness."

95 Lit. "go about and wander."

96 1 Tim. v. 13.

97 Lit, "in their barefacedness."

98 1 Cor. xii. 29. [But compare Jas. iii. 1: "Be not many many teach" (R.V.) which precedes the next citation.-R.]

99 Jas. iii. 2.

100 Lit. "speech."

101 1 Pet. iv. 11.

102 Ecclus. v. 14

103 Eccl. iii. 7.

104 Lit. "beautiful."

105 Prov. xxv. 11.

106 Lit. "in his place." Col. iv. 6.

107 Lit. "his soul for life." Prov. xviii. 6, xiii. 3, xxi. 23.

108 Rom. xvi. 17-19.

109 Matt. xxiii. 3.

110 Col. ii. 18.

111 Matt. xv. 14.

112 As 1 Cor. xv. 44 (yuxiko/j).-See Jas. iii. 15 [also 1 Cor. ii. 13, 14.-R.]

113 See Col. ii. 8.

114 Eph. ii. 2; Col. ii. 8.

115 1 Cor. xii. 8-10.

116 Jas. i. 5.

117 An obscure clause, which Beelen supposes to be due to the misapprehension of the Syrian translator. Perhaps the difficulty will he met if we read "gifts," as do Wets. and Zing., by a change in the pointing.

118 Jas. i. 27.

119 Or "exorcisms"

120 Lit. "elegant and numerous words."

121 1 Cor. xiii. 1

122 Matt xvii 21. [Or Mark ix. 29; the verse in Matthew is of doubtful genuineness.-R].]

123 Or "in."

124 1 Cor. vi. 19.

125 Matt. x. 8.

126 Lit. "and things similar to these," Matt. xxv. 36.

127 2 Cor. xi. 29.

128 Lit. "let us be."

129 Beelen here omits, as spurious, the words, "because this same thing is pleasant and agreeable to you: because ye are all taught of God."

130 Matt. ix. 37, 38

131 Lit. "without shame," 2 Tim. ii 15.

132 Matt. v. 14.

133 John vi. 27.

134 John x. 12, 13.

135 Rom. xvi. 18.

136 Phil. iii. 9.

137 2 Cor. xi. 13.

138 See Matt. xxiv. 45-51.

139 [Comp. the term xriste/mporoj "Christ-monger," "Christ-trafficker," in Teaching, chap. xii. 5, vol. vii. p. 381.-R.]

140 1 Tim. iii. 3; Tit. i. 7.

141 Rom. xii. 17.

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