1 [h0qe/lhse, "willed."-R.] [Noteworthy. 2 Pet. iii. 9.]

2 Literally, "already perishing." [Rev. iii. 2.]

3 If this reference to 2 Pet. iii. 9 be probable, it is one of the earliest testimonies to the genuine character of that Epistle. The true Clement has two references to the same (pp. 8 and 11, vol. i., this series), and Justin also (vol. i. p. 240) is credited with a similar reference to 2 Peter and the Apocalypse. See Lardner, Credib., vol. ii. p. 123 et seq.

1 The full title of his edition, in English form, is as follows: "The two Epistles of our holy father Clement Bishop of Rome to the Corinthians; from a manuscript in the Library of the Most Holy Sepulchre in Fanar of Constantinople; now for the first time published complete, with prolegomena and notes, by Philotheos Bryennios, Metropolitan of Serrae. Constantinople, 1875."

2 Novum Test. extra canonem receptum (2d ed., Leipzig, 1876). Pp. xliv.-xlix., 69-106, contain prolegomena, text, and notes, 2 Clement.

3 Patron Apost. Opera, 2d ed., Leipzig, 1876.

4 St. Clement of Rome. An Appendix containing the newly recovered portions, with introductions, notes, and translations. London, 1877. The original volume, London, 1869.

5 See chap. xii., and Clem. Alex., Stromata, iii. 13, vol. ii. p. 398.

6 See Vision II. 4, vol. ii. p. 12.

7 See vol. ii. p. 4; and comp. Lightfoot, Appendix, pp. 316-317.

8 First Apology, ch. lxvii. (vol. i. p. 186).

9 St. Clement, Appendix, p. 317.

1 No title, not even a letter, is preserved in the ms. [In C (= ms. at Constantinople found by Bryennios) the title is Klh/mentoj pro\j Korinqi/ouj, corresponding to that of the First Epistle. In S (= Syriac ms. at Cambridge) there is a subscription to the First Epistle ascribing it to Clement, then these words: "Of the same the second Epistle to the Corinthians." At the close this subscription occurs: "Here endeth the Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians."-R.]

2 [C has here, and in many other places, u9ma=j instead of h9ma=j. This substitution of the second person plural is one of its marked peculiarities.-R.]

3 [Literally, "little things;" Lightfoot, "mean things."-R.]

4 [Literally, "little things;" Lightfoot, "mean things."-R.]

5 Lightfoot follows the Syriac, and renders: "And they that listen, as concerning mean things, do wrong; and we ourselves do wrong, not knowing," etc. But the briefer reading of the Greek mss. is lectio difficilior.-R.]

6 [Only S has ga/r. A has de/, which the Edinburgh translators have rendered "for." So twice in chap. iii.-R.]

7 Literally, "holy things."

8 Comp. Ps. cxvi. 12.

9 Literally, "lame."

10 Literally "of men." [Compare Arnobius, vol. vi. p. 423.]

11 Literally, "being full of such darkness in our sight."

12 Literally, "having beheld in us much error and destruction."

13 [C, S (apparently), and recent editors have e#xontaj, "even when we had," instead of e#xontej (A), as above paraphrased.-R.]

14 Comp. Hos. ii. 23; Rom. iv. 17, ix. 25.

15 Literally, "willed us from not being to be." [Comp. n. 4, p. 365.]

16 Isa. liv. 1; Gal. iv. 27. [R. V., "the husband."-R.]

17 Some render, "should not cry out, like women in travail." The text is doubtful. [Lightfoot: "Let us not, like women in travail, grow weary of offering up our prayers with simplicity to God."-R.]

18 [e0pei, "since;" hence Lightfoot renders, "He so spake, because."-R.]

19 It has been remarked that the writer here implies he was a Gentile.

20 Matt. ix, 13; Luke v. 32. [The briefer form given above is that of the correct text in Matthew and Mark (ii. 17), not Luke.-R.]

21 [h0qe/lhse, "willed."-R.] [Noteworthy. 2 Pet. iii. 9.]

22 Comp. Matt. xviii. 11. [Luke xix. 10.-R.]

23 Literally, "already perishing." [Rev. iii. 2.]

24 [Literally, "the Father of the truth." The best editions have a period here.-R.]

25 Literally, "what is the knowledge which is towards Him." [C, with Bryennios. Hilgenfeld reads th=j a0lhqei/aj, "what is the knowledge of the truth," instead of h9 pro\j au0to/n, A, S, Lightfoot, and earlier editors.-R.]

26 [le/gei de\ kai\ auto/j, "Yea, He Himself saith," Lightfoot.-R.]

27 Matt. x. 32.

28 Comp. Matt. xxii. 37.

29 ["Now He saith also."-R.]

30 Isa. xxix. 13.

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