176 Ps. cxvi. 15.

177 Ps. cxvi. 7.

178 Prov. x. 7.

179 Wisd. iii. 1.

180 Ex. iii. 6; Luke xx. 38.

181 2 Kings xiii. 21.

182 Gen. l. 1.

183 Ex. xiii. 19; Josh. xxiv. 32.

184 Ps. cx. 1.

185 Acts vii. 56.

186 One V. ms. reads: "to Him be worship, and majesty, and glory, along with the Father and the co-eternal Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen."

1 [See pp. 377, etc., supra.]

2 Deut. xxx. 15.

3 Deut. xxx. 19.

4 1 Kings xviii. 21.

5 Matt. vi. 24.

6 1tm. iv. 10.

7 [See Teaching, i. 1.--R.]

8 [Teaching, i. 1.-R.]

9 The Greek words properly mean: "Introduced was the way of death; not of that death which exists according to the mind of God, but that which has arisen from the plots of the adversary."

10 [The larger half of chap. i., Teaching, is found in the first half of this chapter; but the matter peculiar to each is of about the same extent.-R.]

11 Deut. vi. 5; Mark xii. 32.

12 Lev. xix. 18.

13 Tob. iv. 15.

14 Matt. v. 44.

15 Luke vi. 32; Matt. v. 46, 47.

16 Deut. xxiii. 7.

17 1 Pet. ii. 11.

18 Matt. v. 39; Luke vi. 29.

19 Ps. vii. 4.

20 Matt. v. 41.

21 Matt. v. 40; Luke vi. 29.

22 Luke vi. 30.

23 Matt. v. 42.

24 Ps. cxii. 5.

25 Matt. v. 45.

26 Prov. iii. 9.

27 Gal. vi. 10.

28 [Ex. xx. 13. Five brief precepts, of which this is the first, are common to Teaching, ii. 2, and the rest of this chapter.-R.]

29 Gen. ii. 24.

30 Lev. xviii. 22.

31 Gen. xix.

32 Deut. xxvii.

33 Deut. xxiii. 17.

34 Josh. vii.

35 2 Kings v.

36 John xii. 6.

37 Matt. xxvii. 5; Acts i. 18.

38 Acts v.

39 [Seven brief clauses of Teaching, ii. 2, 3, are found in this chapter.-R.]

40 Ex. xxii. 18.

41 Ex. xxi. 23, LXX.

42 Matt. v. 34.

43 Ps. lxiii. 11.

44 Prov. xiv. 31.

45 [Chap. iv. also contains seven clauses found in Teaching (ii. 3-6), while chap. v. has but five and a verbal resemblance; chap. ii. of the Teaching is, however, almost entirely given in these passages.-R.]

46 Prov. xii. 28, LXX.

47 Prov. vi. 2.

48 Ps. cxl. 11.

49 Matt. xii. 36; Lev. xix. 11.

50 Ps. v. 6.

51 Hab. ii. 9.

52 Matt. xxiv. 51.

53 1 Pet. v. 5.

54 Deut. i. 17; Lev. xix. 17.

55 Prov. ix. 8.

56 Isa. liv. 14.

57 Gen. iv.

58 1 Sam. xvii., xviii.

59 2 Sam. iii., xx.

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