35 [A beautiful formula of the history of Greek philosophy.]

36 Defloruerat.

37 [Vol. vi. p. 421.]

38 a/qeoj.

39 [Vol. vi. p. 421.]

40 [Peripatetic; succeeded Theophrastus B.C. 238.]

41 Ratio.

42 Coiisse.

43 [Leucippus, anterior to B.C. 470, author of the atomic theory.]

44 Delirare posset.

45 [See Tayler Lewis, Plato contra Atheos, p. 119.]

46 i.e., something to the purpose.

47 Lenia; others read "laevia," smooth.

48 Coagmentationem.

49 Eminere, "to stand out prominently."

50 [Vol. vi. p.445, note 18.]

51 Lucret., i. 160.

52 Ibid., i. 206.

53 Certum.

54 Crustam marmoris.

55 Descriptio.

56 Coagmentari.

57 Ratio.

58 Rationale.

59 Ficto.

60 Artificium.

61 Umbram et extrema lineamenta.

62 [See p. 97, note 4, supra.]

63 [See Cicero's judgment, p. 99, note 6, supra.]

64 [See Dionysius, cap, ii. p. 85, vol. vi., this series.]

65 Homo ab humo.

66 [Book i. cap. 27.]

67 Concretum.

68 Flabile.

69 [P. 101, supra; also vol. v. p. 11, note 2.]

70 Tanta rerum magnitudo.

71 Sentiente; others read "sciente."

72 Virg., Aen., vi. 726.

73 Persuasiove; most editions read "persuasione," but the meaning is not so good.

74 qeolo/gai.

75 Sepulcra; others read "simulacra."

76 De Nat. Deor., i. 32. [See p. 29, note 2, supra.]

77 Ibid., iii. 22.

78 [P. 268, note 1, supra.]

79 Memor., iv. 3.

80 Lib. vii.

81 Arbitrantur; some editions have "arbitrabantur," which appears preferable.

82 ["The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov. ix. 10). See p. 262, cap. 6, note 6, supra.]

83 Prudentiae; reading to "imprudentiae."

84 Stultitiam.

85 Lignorum.

86 Spatiis. The word properly refers to a racecourse.

87 Herbidae fruges.

88 Amissi ac recepti luminis vicibus.

89 Virg,, Georg., i. 289.

90 Opportunitates temporum.

91 Certis stationibus. Others read "sationibus," for certain kinds of sowing; but "statio" is applied to the stars by Seneca and Pliny.

92 Designati.

93 An objection is here met and answered.

94 Gignentium.

95 Adhuc, omitted in many manuscripts.

96 [I have heretofore noted the elements of a theodicy to be found in Lactantius.]

97 Propter exiguum compendium sublatorum malorum.

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