87 Virg., Aen., xi. 106.

88 Ibid., x. 524.

89 Ibid., xii. 946.

90 Hominum prave religiosorum.

91 Omnibus notiora.

92 Pro qualitate numinis sui.

93 [De Republica, iv. i. 3.]

94 Virg., Aen., xi. 646, ii. 368. [Dan. vii. 7.]

95 The more severe torture, as causing immediate death, may be regarded as merciful, in comparison with a slow and lingering punishment. [This by an eye-witness of Diocletian's day.]

96 Exquisitis, "carefully studied."

97 Ne morte quidem simplici dignum putetis.

98 [From the Republic, iii. xvii. 27.]

99 Curcul., i. 3, 22.

100 Cariosis. There is a great variety of readings in this place.

101 [Vol. iv. p. 116; same vol., p. 125.]

102 Et qui fuerint aversi, redeant. The common reading is, "et qui fugerunt, universi redeant."

103 Alius novas populus.

104 Propter miraculum virtutis.

105 Deest illis inspirata patientia.

106 [Vol. iii. p. 700, this series.]

107 Tanti est...ne.

108 Horat., Carm., iii. 3, Lord Lytton's translation.

109 i.e., of provinces,

110 Voluntate.

111 kwfou\j kai\ a0noh/touj.

112 [See Rep., iii. cap. 6, part iv. vol. 2, p. 300, ed. Klotz.]

113 Notio.

114 [De Officiis, i. 26; and see vol. ii. p. 421, this series.]

115 [A striking parallel to Cyprian's saying, vol. v. note 2, p. 460, this series.]

116 [Cap. xv. p. 150, supra.]

117 Nisi quòd. Some editions read, "nisi quos," except those whom, etc.

118 Quia non egent. Some editors omit non; but this is not so good.

119 [Jas. i. 9, 10, and ii. 1-8.]

120 Luke xiv. ii.

121 [From the Republic, book iii. cap. 12, sec. 21.]

122 Venenata. [See De Finibus, book v. cap. 23.]

123 [See p. 150, supra.]

124 i.e., The Academic School.

125 Sacramentum, "the true theory of human life."

126 Fabulosus.

127 Hor., Carm., i. 22. 1, Lord Lytton's translation.

128 Pro fide.

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