14 ti/ to\ e0po/menon, perhaps meant for, What business brings you?

15 u9pe\r mantei/aj a0risthj w@sper katatoceuo/menoi.

16 o9rmwme/nh.

17 Bhqlewtw=n.

18 makra\j ta\j xei=raj according to Migne, instead of the reading of the manuscript, makri\n th\n kh=ran e!xousa.

19 sito/xrooj ta\j.

20 siopetei=.

21 The manuscripts give a0nta/rtaj, for which Migne proposes a0nqrw/pouj or a/nterga/taj. [Unworthy, wholly so, of our author. This curious specimen of the romances of antiquity might better have found its place with other Protevangelia in vol. viii., this series.]

22 suntaca/menoi.

1 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 17, ed. Paris, 14 Venet.

2 The text is:...sumpi/ptousi tai=j o0ktw\ kai\ e0nne/a xilia/sin e0tw=n, a@j Aigutiwn oi para/ Platwni i0erei=j ei/j So/lwna katariqmou=tej ou/k a/lhqeu/ousi.

3 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 19, al. 15.

4 The text here is manifestly corrupt: e0pimixqe/ntwn au\tw=n, th\n a0gana/kthsin poih/sasqai to\n Qeo/n.

5 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 81, al. 65.

6 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 21, al. 17.

7 That is, in Armenia.

8 For there was a hill Ararat in Phrygia, from which the Marsyas issued, and the ark was declared to have rested there by the Sibylline oracles. [But see vol. v. p. 149.]

9 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 83, al. 67.

10 In the same, p. 86, al. 68.

11 In the same, p. 93, al. 74. [Compare vol. v. p. 148.]

12 In the same, p. 99, al. 79. [rbac/

13 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 100, al. 80.

14 lh/gei te panti\ u@dati pa/sxwn ta0e\na/ntia.

15 w9j porfu/oan.

16 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 107, al. 86.

17 Heliogabalus is probably intended, in whose time Africanus flourished. At least so thinks Syncellus.

18 On this terebinth, see Scaliger (ad Graeca Euseb., p. 414); Franciscus Quaresimus, in Elucid. terrae sanctae; Eugenius Rogerius, etc.; and also Valesius, ad Euseb. De Vit. Constant., iii. 53, notes 3 and 5.

19 Scaliger acknowledges himself ignorant of this word e/ktena/j. In the Eastern Church it is used to denote protracted prayers (preces protensiores) offered by the deacon on behalf of all classes of men, and the various necessities of human life. See Suicer, sub voce. Allatius thinks the text corrupt, and would read, e0f' o@n ta/ o0lokautw/mata kai\ ta\j e9kato/mbaj a0neferon = on which they offered both holocausts and hecatombs. [Littledale, Eastern Offices, p. 253.]

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