11 e0an dunw/meqa katakou/ein th=j peri\ proseuxh=j kurioleci/aj kai\ kataxrh/sewj.

12 [Comp. Col. iii. 18and cap. viii., infra.]

13 h@ tou\j me\n e0n sko/tw pou e0k gohtei/aj ou0k o0rqh=j tuglw/ttousin, h@ di' a0mudrw=n fasma/twn o0neirw/ttousin e0gxri/mptein legomenouj, eu\ ma/la qrhskeu/ein.

14 Cf. Ex. xx. 3, 4, 5.

15 Cf. Deut. iv. 19.

16 to\ o#lon o9 ko/smoj.

17 Cf. Jer. vii. 17, 18.

18 Cf. Acts vii. 42, 43.

19 Cf. Col. ii. 18, 19.

20 e0ggastrimu/qoij.

21 e0paoidoi=j.

22 Cf. Lev. xix. 31.

23 The emendations of Ruaeus have been adopted in the translation, the text being probably corrupt. Cf. Ruaeus, in loc.

24 Cf. Deut. iv. 19, 20.

25 Cf. 1 Pet. ii. 9.

26 Cf. Gen. xv. 5.

27 Cf. Deut. i. 10.

28 xw/mati.

29 a0po\ tw=n dikai/wn tw=n pollw=n.

30 Cf. Dan. xii. 1, 2, 3.

31 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 40-42.

32 megalofuw=j.

33 Matt. v. 14.

34 Cf. Matt. v. 16.

35 Cf. Origen, de Principiis, i. c. vii.

36 e0k tou= e0n au0toi=j au0tecousi/ou e0lhluqo/j.

37 Cf. 1 John i. 5.

38 mu/dron dia/puron.

39 th\n eu0ktikh\n du/namin.

40 [See note in Migne's edition of Origen's Works, vol. i. p. 1195; also note supra, p. 262. S.]

41 Cf. Matt. xix. 17; cf. Mark x. 18.

42 Ibid.

43 Cf. Deut. vi. 13.

44 Cf. Ps. cvii. 20.

45 pronohtikw=j.

46 Matt. xxviii. 20.

47 Cf. John i. 26, 27.

48 Cf. Jer. xxiii. 24.

49 Cf. Jer. xxiii. 23.

50 zhtei=n eu!xesqai tw= mh\ fqa/nonti e0pi\ ta\ su/mpanta.

51 Cf. Rom. viii. 19-21.

52 Cf. Ps. cxlviii. 3, 4.

53 Cf. Rom. viii. 19-21.

54 w#sper ma/geiroj.

55 ou0 ga\r th=j plhmmelo=j o0re/cew=, ou0de\ th=j peplanhme/nh= a0kosmi/aj, a0lla\ th=j o0rqh=j kai\ dikai/aj fu/sewj Qeo/j e0stin a0rxhge0thj.

56 u#lhn.

57 Cf. 1 Cor. iii. 12.

58 Cf. Mal. iii. 2.

59 Cf. Ezek. xxii. 18, 20.

60 po/nou kai\ puro/j.

61 Cf. Isa. xlvii. 14, 15.

62 ta\ skuqrwpa/.

63 Cf. Isa. xlviii. 9 (Septuagint).

64 [See Robertson's History of the Church, vol. i. p. 156, 157. S.]

65 Cf. 1 Cor. 1. 21.

66 ta\ kata\ tou\j to/pouj.

67 Cf. John v. 39.

68 kai\ tw=n pollw=n kakw=n a0poxh/n.

69 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 51, 52.

70 Cf. 1 Thess. iv. 15, 16.

71 Cf. 1 Thess. iv. 16, 17.

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