227 lata\ th\n prw/thn e0kdoxh/n.

228 tou\j spermatikou\j lo/gouj.

229 kata\ to\n prohgou/menon noh=n.

230 Cf. 1 Cor. ix. 9, 10, and Deut. xxv. 4.

231 Cf. Eph. v. 31, 32. Cf. Gen. ii. 24.

232 Cf. 1 Cor. x. 1, 2.

233 Cf. 1 Cor. x. 3, 4.

234 problh/mata kai\ parabolai/.

235 Cf. Ps. lxxviii. 1-3.

236 Cf. Ps. cxix. 18.

237 e0pa\n e0pakou/sh|tou= par' e9autou= pa/nta poih/santoj.

238 Cf. Ezek. xxix. 3.

239 Cf. Ezek. xxxii. 5, 6.

240 Cf. Ezek. xxix. 3.

241 Cf. Hos. xiv. 9.

242 Cf. 2 Tim. iii. 8. [Note this testimony concerning Numenius.]

243 to\ eu0tele/steron.

244 yuxh/.

245 u#lh.

246 The reading in the text of Spencer and of the Benedictine ed. is kataleifqei=san, for which Lommatzsch has adopted the conjecture of Boherellus, katalhfqei=san.

247 w0felei/aj.

248 u9p' e0nuparxou/shj a0fanta/stou fu/sewj dioikoume/w/.

249 pro\j xrei/an ou0k eu0katafro/nhton.

250 o#pwj pote\ a!llwj o!ntwn.

251 ti/ni h@ ti/sin.

252 ai0sqhtou= qeou=.

253 Cf. Plato in Timaeo.

254 a!u>\lon.

255 pe/mpthj para\ ta\ te/ssara stouxei=a ei\nai fu/sewj.

256 Cf. Ps. cii. 26, 27.

257 aiqeri/ou.

258 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 41, etc.

259 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 44.

260 odoi/.

261 kainh=j diadecame/nhj o9dou= kai\ a0lloi/aj, etc. For diadecaue/nhj, Boherellus would read a0pokata/stasij. Cf. Origen, de Princip., iii. c. 5; ii. c. 3. [See also Neander's Church History, vol. 1. p. 328, and his remarks on "the general a0pokata/stasij" of Origen. S.]

262 sunte/leia.

263 Cf. Pliny, x. c. 66: "Anguem ex medullâ hominis spinae gigni accepimus a multis." Cf. also Ovid, Metamorphos., xv. fab. iv.

264 swma/twn.

265 tw=n diafero/twn.

266 kai\ mi/a ei0j a0moibh\n pali/ntropon i0ou=sa kai\ e0paniou=sa.

267 sw=ma.

268 ou!tw de\ kai\ to\ a0pollu/menon ei0j metabolh\n diame/nei.

269 diele/gxetai ou0k e0pidexo/mena to\ gennai=on kai\ a!a/ti/r0r9hton.

270 o9 th\n a0lh/qeia/ e0kperilamba/nwn.

271 [Cf. Plato, Theaetetus, xxv. p. 176. S.]

272 ao/riston.

273 kai\ tw/ i0di/w| lo/gw|.

274 tosoi=sde tugxa/nousin.

275 'Amfi/boloi.

276 'gorano/moi.

277 a0r0[htopoiou=j ou0k i!sasi.

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