132 kai\ a0meibousi sw/mata.

133 Cf. 1 Cor. ii. 11.

134 Cf. Rom. i. 19.

135 Rom. i. 21-23.

136 ou!t' e0n lo/gw| ou!t' e0n a0riqmw|= au\tou\j pote gegenhme/nouj.

137 e0politeu/eto.

138 [See note on Book III. cap. lxxvi. supra, and to vol. iii. p. 76, this series.]

139 Cf. Deut. iv. 16-18.

140 Cf. Deut. iv. 19.

141 politei/a.

142 ou0de\ fai/nesqai qhludri/an oi[o/n t' h[n.

143 oi>\ tinej dia\ to\ kaqaro\n h\qoj, kai\ to\ u9pe\r a!nqrwpon.

144 qei/a| moi/ra|.

145 kai/toige pa/nta xa/lwn kinh/santej.

146 a\po\ prw/thj spora=j goh/twn kai: pla/nwn a0nqrw/pwn.

147 parechgou/menoi.

148 [This formula he regards as an adumbration of the Triad (see our vol. ii. p. 101): thus, "the God of Abraham" = Fatherhood; "of Isaac" = Sonship; "of Jacob" = Wisdom, and the Founder of the New Israel.]

149 ei>\te kai\ u0to/qen semnu/nousan e0n a0por0r9h/toij tou\j a!ndraj, ei!te kai\ di' u9ponoiw=n ai0nissme/nhn tina\ mega/la kai\ qauma/sia toi=j qewrh=sai au0ta\ dunagrafh=sai au0ta\ duname/noij.

150 mustikh=j a0nagrafh=j.

151 e0rou=me/n te: o#ti mh/pote to\ kai\ u9f' u9mw=n paralamba/nesqai ta\ o0no/mata tw=n triw=n tou/twn genarxw=n tou= e!qnouj, th= e0nargei/a| katalambano/ntwn, ou0k eu0katafro/nhta a0nu/esqai e0k rh=j katepiklh/sewj au0tw=n, pari/sthsi to\ qei=on tw=n a0ndrw=n. Guietus would expunge the words th= e0nargei/a| katalambano/ntwn.

152 [See p. 511, supra, on the formula of benediction and exorcism, and compare Num. vi. 24.]

153 kata\ de\ Kelson, ou0 parista/nta. Libri editi ad oram w9j parista/nta.

154 gennai/wj.

155 parechgou/menoi.

156 pare/r0r9iye.

157 sugku/yantej.

158 a0mouso/tata.

159 Cf. Plato, de Repub., book ii. etc.

160 e0pi\ th=j pla/sewj.

161 Cf. Job x. 8 and Ps. cxix. 73.

162 sxh=ma.

163 kakoh/qeian.

164 pla/sewj.

165 Gen. ii. 7; Heb. wyp%/)ab@;

, LXX. pro/swpon.

166 e0mfusw/menon.

167 Wisd. of Solom. xii. 1.

168 Cf. Gen. ii. 21, 22.

169 a0nti\ tou= puro/j.

170 xwri\j panto\j lo/gou kai/ tinoj e0pikru/yewj.

171 moxqi/zein.

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