27 Oehler's pointing is disregarded.

28 "De caelo jura tueri;" possibly "to look for laws from heaven."

1 Terram.

2 Tellus.

3 Immensus. See note on the word in the fragment "Concerning the Cursing of the Heathen's Gods."

4 Cardine.

5 Mundo.

6 "Errantia;" so called, probably, either because they appear to move as ships pass them, or because they may be said to "wander" by reason of the constant change which they undergo from the action of the sea, and because of the shifting nature of their sands.

7 Terrarum.

8 "God called the dry land Earth:" Gen. i. 10.

9 i.e., "together with;" it begets both sun and moon.

10 i.e., "the fourth day."

11 Mundo.

12 Or, "lucid" - liquentia.

13 i.e., "Power Divine."

14 So Milton and Shakespeare.

15 As (see above, l. 31) He had all other things.

16 SeeGen. iii. 20, with the LXX., and the marg. in the Eng. ver.

17 Terrae.

18 The "gladsome court" - "laeta aula" - seems to mean Eden, in which the garden is said to have been planted. See Gen. ii. 8.

19 i.e., eastward. See the last reference.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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