297 The rejoinder.

298 Luke i. 41.

299 Ver. 43.

300 Ver. 42.

301 Eruditur.

302 Quominus vindicet.

303 Adhaerere.

304 Ps. cxxxii. 11; also Acts ii. 30.

305 Commentator.

306 Originis carnalis: i.e. "origin of the flesh of."

307 Matt. i. 1.

308 Rom. i. 3; 2 Tim. ii. 8.

309 In nomine: or, "for the sake of."

310 Gal. iii. 8, 16.

311 Censetur.

312 Literally, "Lord."

313 Luke ii. 34.

314 Isa. vii. 14.

315 Acedemici isti: "this school of theirs."

316 i.e. "Because she produced not her son from her husband's seed."

317 Defensionem.

318 Matt. v. 37.

319 Nupsit.

320 Nupsit ipsa patefacti corporis lege.

321 De vi masculi admissi an emissi.

322 i.e. "The male."

323 Ex. xiii. 2; Luke ii. 23.

324 Clausam: i.e. a virgin's.

325 Magis.

326 Utique.

327 Nuptialem passionem.

328 Epiphanius (Hoer. xxx. 30) quotes from the apocryphal Ezekiel this passage: Te/cetai h\ da/malij, kai\ e0rou=sin-ou0 te/token. So Clem. Alex. Stromata, vii. Oehler.

329 Ceterum.

330 Isa. vii. 14.

331 Isa. v. 20.

332 Istos.

333 Praedicatur.

334 Isa. xlv. 5.

335 Isa. xlvi. 9.

336 John i. 13. Tertullian's quotation is, as usual, in the singular, "natus."

337 Gal. i. 8.

338 Comp. de Proescr. Hoeret. c. xxx. p. 257, supra.

339 1 John iv. 3.

340 Disceptatores ejus.

341 Ceteris passivum.

342 Acts i. 11.

343 Tantundem.

344 Tantummodo.

345 I quote the Ed. London, 1739, Vol. V., p. 249.

1 See Bp. Kaye, On Tertullian, p. 256. A full examination of the tenets of these Gnostic heretics occurs in our author's Treatise against Marcion. An able review of Tertullian's line of thought in this work on the resurrection occurs in Neander's Antignostikus, Bohn's translation, ii. 478-486. [There is a decisive ebullition of Montanistic fanaticism in cap. xi., and in the second chapter there is a reference to the De Carne Christi. Date this treatise circa A.D. 208.]

2 Fiducia.

3 Parentant.

4 Pro temporibus esculentorum.

5 Etiam desiderar.

6 Cum crematis cremat.

7 Adhuc proxime: "Christianae scilicet doctrinae." Oehler.

8 Recidivatum.

9 Corporalem.

10 Apud Deum.

11 Sciemus.

12 Salutem.

13 Eam solidam.

14 In sacramentis.

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