133 Christum hominem obstupescebant.

134 Notaretur.

135 Non mira.

136 Matt. xiii. 54.

137 Compare Isa. liii. 2. See also our Anti-Marcion, p. 153, Edin.

138 Novum: made of the stars.

139 Merentem.

140 Literally, "why do you suppose it to be celestial."

141 Matt. xxvi. 41.

142 Animalem: "etherialized; of a finer form, differing from gross, earthy matter" (Neander).

143 Animalem.

144 Non carneas.

145 Praesumant.

146 Scilicet.

147 Demonstraretur: or, "should become apparent."

148 Cui latebat.

149 Denique.

150 Isto modo.

151 An retro allegent.

152 Per quod sit.

153 Eam: the soul.

154 Dignius: i.e., "in a manner more worthy of Himself."

155 Demonstrare.

156 Cassidem.

157 Deputetur.

158 Aliqua vi rationis: or, "by some power of its own condition."

159 Demonstrare.

160 Notitiae.

161 Ne.

162 Gestisset.

163 Ex.

164 Istis.

165 In illam: perhaps "in it," as if an ablative case, not an unusual construction in Tertullian.

166 Ostensa sit.

167 Si constiterit.

168 Denique.

169 Quoquo modo.

170 Opinor.

171 Sensualis: endowed with sense.

172 Nihil animale sine sensu.

173 Nihil sensuale sine anima.

174 We should have been glad of a shorter phrase for sentire ("to use sense"), had the whole course of the passage permitted it.

175 Se ministrare.

176 See especially chap. iv. supra.

177 Debuerat.

178 Nisi qualis esset.

179 1 John i. 2.

180 Ostendere; see Luke ix. 56.

181 Nimirum.

182 Animalis.

183 Carnalis.

184 Dispositione.

185 Ostenderetur: or, "that it might prove itself soul."

186 Or, "that it might show itself flesh."

187 Alterutrum: "no matter which."

188 Testae: a pitcher, perhaps.

189 Generis.

190 Tertullian quotes his opponent's opinion here.

191 Scilicet: in reference to the alleged doctrine.

192 Non adhaeret.

193 Singularitas tota.

194 Nudis.

195 Matt. xxvi. 38. Tertullian's quotation is put interrogatively.

196 "The salvation" (salute) is Tertullian's word.

197 John vi. 51.

198 Above, beginning of chap. x.

199 Salvus.

200 Gestavit.

201 Matt. xxv. 41.

202 Satellitem.

203 Si forte.

204 Ps. viii. 5.

205 For this designation of the divine nature in Christ, see our Anti-Marcion, p. 247, note 7, Edin.

206 Luke i. 35.

207 Hebioni.

208 Plane.

209 Zech. i. 14.

210 Isa. lxiii. 9.

211 John viii. 40.

212 Matt. xii. 8.

213 Isa. liii. 3, Sept.

214 Jer. xvii. 9, Sept.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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