237 Anima derivaret.

238 Sermoni perfecto.

239 Traducem animae suae.

240 Censum.

241 Or, the substance of 'Arxh/.

242 Exitum.

243 Monstruosum illum.

244 Prosicias induisse. Irenaeus says, "Assumed the first-fruits," ta\j a0parxa/j.

245 Ingratis.

246 Reddo.

247 Nescio quae.

248 Fartilia.

249 Farsura.

250 That which descended like a dove.

251 Aeque insubditivam.

252 In delineationem.

253 Agnitionali.

254 Prophetiale patrocinium.

255 Matt. viii. 5, 6.

256 De dispositione.

257 Inunitam.

258 Argumenta.

259 Essentiae.

260 Choicum: "the clayey." Having the doubtful issues, which arise from freedom of the will (Oehler).

261 Recondunt: or, "discover."

262 Recondunt: or, "discover."

263 Superducunt.

264 De obvenientia.

265 Indulgentiam.

266 The "quos" here relates to "spiritalem statum," but expressing the sense rather than the grammatical propriety, refers to the plural idea of "good souls" (Oehler).

267 Depluat.

268 Salutaria.

269 We have tried to retain the emphatic repetition, "inreformabilem naturae naturam."

270 Eruditu hujus.

271 Above, in ch. xxv. p. 515.

272 Istarum naeniarum.

273 Operationes: the doing of (good) works."

274 As, forsooth, we should in the spiritual state.

275 Suffragio.

276 Being animal, not spiritual.

277 See above. ch. ix. x. p. 508.

278 See Scorpiace, ch. x. infra.

279 Passivitate.

280 "Diligentia" may mean "proclivity" (Rigalt.).

281 Of the Aeons.

282 Nec legitimum: "not a lawful son."

283 De consummatione.

284 Urgebit.

285 See above, ch. xxiii. p. 514.

286 Compacticius ille.

287 Fient.

288 Query, the Holy Scriptures, or the writings of the Valentintians?

289 Very severe against adultery, and even against celibacy.

290 In ch. xx. this "scenam de Hebdomade caelesti" is called "caelorum septemplicem scenam" = "the sevenfold stage of heaven."

291 Coenaculum. See above, ch. vii. p. 506.

292 Choicae: "clayey."

293 Isa. xl. 6.

294 See above, in ch. xxiv. p. 515.

295 Interiores.

296 Averterant.

297 Neque detentui obnoxii.

298 Neque conspectui obnoxii.

299 Si ita est: or, "since such is the fact."

300 Claudent.

301 But slaves, in fact.

302 This parenthetic clause, "tacendo jam dixi," perhaps means, "I say this with shame," "I would rather not have to say it."

303 The common reading is, "Onesimum Aeonem," an Aeon called Onesimus, in supposed allusion to Philemon's Onesimus. But this is too far-fetched. Oehler discovers in "Onesimum" the corruption of some higher number ending in "esimum."

304 This is Oehler's idea of "et nulla jam fabula." Rigaltius, however, gives a good sense to this clause: "All will come true at last; there will be no fable."

305 The same as Macariotes, in ch. viii. above, p. 507.

306 Velut epicitharisma.

307 Emendatoribus.

308 Censum.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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