167 Recogitavit.

168 "Omnis anima hujus mundi" may, however, mean "every living soul." So Bp. Kaye, On Tertullian, p. 487.

169 Cetera.

170 Achamoth's.

171 Exitum.

172 Utique.

173 These two rivers, with their peculiar qualities, are mentioned by Pliny, H.N. ii. 103; [and the latter by Milton against Salmasius.]

174 Ovid. Metam. iv. 286.

175 Pipiavit.

176 Qui.

177 As light.

178 Instrumentum: water is meant.

179 Christ and the Holy Spirit. Oehler.

180 Saviour: another title of their Paraclete.

181 Col. i. 16.

182 Fructiferumque suggestum.

183 Expumicat.

184 Habilitatem atque naturam. We have treated this as a "hendiadys".

185 Aequiparantias corpulentiarum.

186 Ecce.

187 Subavit et ipsa.

188 Trinitas generum.

189 Exercitior.

190 Scilicet.

191 Fere.

192 Eo animo.

193 See above, chap. xvi. p. 512.

194 Demiurgum.

195 Et velut sigillario. "Sigillarium est neuro/spaston," Oehler.

196 The Father acting through and proceeding from his Mother.

197 Commendant.

198 Delegant.

199 Communiter in universitatem.

200 Jam.

201 Rursus.

202 This is the force of the "qui" with the subjunctive verb.

203 Soter.

204 Effigeret.

205 There seems to be a relative gradation meant among these extra-Pleroma beings, as there was among the Aeons of the Pleroma; and, further, a relation between the two sets of beings-Achamoth bearing a relation to Propator, the Demiurge to Nus, etc.

206 Duplicis substantiae illius disculsae.

207 Sublimantia.

208 Ogdoadis primogenitalis: what Irenaeus calls "the first-begotten and primary Ogdoad of the Pleroma" (See our Irenaeus, Vol. I.; also above, chap. vii. p. 506.)

209 Noeros.

210 Nubeculas.

211 Arbusculas.

212 Puerilium dicibulorum.

213 Sibi here must refer to the secondary agent of the sentence.

214 Tenendum.

215 Alioquin.

216 Adeo rerum non erat compos.

217 Censu.

218 Scilicet.

219 Isa. xlv. 5, xlvi. 9.

220 Infamia apud illos.

221 Tolerabilior.

222 Capit: "capax est," nimirum "infamiae" (Fr. Junius).

223 Ex nequitia.

224 Achamoth's.

225 Irenaeus' word is Kosmokra/twr; see also Eph. vi. 12.

226 Above, in chap. viii., he has mentioned the Pleroma as "the fulness of the thirtyfold divinity."

227 Metatur.

228 Reciprocandi.

229 Fire.

230 Ego.

231 Motiunculis.

232 Febricitasse.

233 Vel.

234 Ex pituitis et gramis.

235 Choicus.

236 Accipe.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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