420 Ut quae fabricatur, inquis, a Deo.

421 Lineis. Tertullian often refers to Hermogenes' profession of painting.

422 In partes venire.

423 Omnia ex omnibus.

424 i.e. of Matter.

425 Dinoscatur ex.

426 Utique ex pristinis.

427 Aliter habeant.

428 In melius reformatam.

429 Speculum.

430 Mulus.

431 Speciatum: ei0dopihqe/n, "arranged in specific forms."

432 Ko/smoj.

433 Inornatae: unfurnished with forms of beauty.

434 Non totam eam fabricatam.

435 Recesserunt a forma ejus.

436 From which he has digressed since ch. xxxvi., p. 497.

437 Subjacens materia.

438 Aequalis momenti motum.

439 Passivitas.

440 Determinabilem.

441 In loco facis: "you localise."

442 In loco.

443 Denique.

444 Cum corpori accedunt: or, "when they are added to a body."

445 Loca: "places;" one to each.

446 Cum ab utraque regione suspendis: equally far from good and evil.

447 Dispersisti omnia.

448 Inconditrum.

449 "Communionem."

450 Ornari: "to be adorned."

451 Ornari: "to be adorned."

452 Composite.

453 Incondite.

454 Concretus.

455 Certaminis.

456 Compositionem: "arrangement."

457 See above, ch. xxxvii. p. 498.

458 Ornata.

459 Cessavit a.

460 Cessavit.

461 Facit quid decor.

462 Certe.

463 Retro.

464 Dan. iii. 21.

465 Prov. viii. 22, 23.

466 John i. 3.

467 Spiritu Ipsius: "by His Spirit." See Ps. xxxiii. 6.

468 Isa. xlviii. 13.

469 Ps. cii. 25.

470 Isa. xl. 12 and xlviii. 13.

471 Jer. li. 15.

472 Ps. lxiv. 7.

473 Aut si.

474 Atquin.

475 Ubique conveniri.

476 Rom. i. 20.

477 Nescio quae.

478 Sensualia.

479 Rom. xi. 34.

480 Ver. 33.

481 Nec competat.

482 Nisi quod.

1 Occultant. [This tract may be assigned to any date not earlier than a.d. 207. Of this Valentinus, see cap. iv. infra, and de Proescript. capp. 29, 30, supra.]

2 We are far from certain whether we have caught the sense of the original, which we add, that the reader may judge for himself, and at the same time observe the terseness of our author: "Custodiae officium conscientiae officium est, confusio praedicatur, dum religio asseveratur."

3 Et aditum prius cruciant.

4 Antequam consignant.

5 Epoptas: see Suidas, s.v. 'Epo/ptai.

6 Aedificent.

7 Adytis.

8 Epoptarum.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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