362 He means that of Severus against the Parthians. Tertullian is the only author who mentions this prodigy.

363 Evanescente.

364 Et alias de proximo nullam: or "de proximo" may mean, "on a near approach."

365 Ratio.

366 That is, "the newness of the gospel."

367 Dispositionis.

368 Gen. xxvii. 28.

369 Nostri, i.e., Christians. [Not Montanist, but Catholic.]

370 Luke xii. 31.

371 Gen. xxvii. 39.

372 Judaeorum enim dispositio in Esau priorum natu et posteriorum affectu filiorum. This is the original of a difficult passage, in which Tertullian, who has taken Jacob as a type of the later, the Christian church, seems to make Esau the symbol of the former, the Jewish church, which, although prior in time, was later in allegiance to the full truth of God.

373 Temere, si forte, interpretabimur.

374 Gen. xxviii. 12-17.

375 Apud.

376 Amos. ix. 6.

377 Isa. xlix. 18.

378 Isa. lx. 8.

379 In allusion to the dove as the symbol of the Spirit, see Matt. iii. 16.

380 Dan vii. 13.

381 1 Thess. iv. 17.

382 Isa. i. 2.

383 Praejudicium.

384 Praeconium.

385 Si forte.

386 Indulgentiae

387 Regiam: perhaps "capital" or "palace."

388 Omne.

1 [The remarks of Bishop Kaye on our author's Marcion are simply invaluable, and the student cannot dispense with what is said more particularly of this Book. See Kaye, pp. 450-480.]

2 Paraturam.

3 Provocamus ad. [Kaye, p. 469, refers to Schleiermacher's Critical Essay on St. Luke and to a learned note of Mr. Andrews Norton of Harvard (vol. iii. Appendix C.) for valuable remarks on Marcion's Gospel.]

4 Et, emphatic.

5 Dotem quandam.

6 [See cap. 2., infra.]

7 Patrocinaretur.

8 Proescriptive occurere. This law term (the Greek paragrafh/) seems to refer to the Church's "rule of faith" (praescriptio), which he might at once put in against Marcion's heresy; only he prefers to refute him on his own ground.

9 Atque adeo.

10 Apud Creatorem.

11 Olim.

12 Isa. ii. 3.

13 Isa. ii. 4.

14 Isa. ii. 4.

15 Isa. ii. 4, according to the Sept.

16 Ps. xix. 7.

17 T.'s version of Isa. x. 23. "Decisus Sermo" = "determined" of A.V.

18 Compendiatum.

19 Laciniosis.

20 Isa. xliii. 18, 19.

21 Novate novamen novum. Agricultural words.

22 Altered version of Jer. iv. 3,4.

23 Jer. xxxi. 31, 32, with slight change.

24 Isa. lv. 3.

25 Secundum Mariae censum. See Kitto's Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature (third edition), in the article "Genealogy of Jesus Christ," where the translator of this work has largely given reasons for believing that St. Luke in his genealogy, (chap. iii.) has traced the descent of the Virgin Mary. To the authorities there given may be added this passage of Tertullian, and a fuller one, Adversus Judaeos, ix., towards the end. [p. 164, supra.]

26 Isa. xi. i.

27 Mal. i. 10, 11.

28 To its former self.

29 Deut. xxxii. 39.

30 Isa. xlv. 7.

31 Recogitare.

32 Saltim.

33 Aemularum invicem.

34 Praejudicatum est.

35 In the external world.

36 Sacramenta.

37 Expeditam a nobis.

38 [The term eu0agge/lion was often employed for a written book, says Kaye (p. 298), who refers to Book i. cap. i. supra, etc.]

39 Interim, perhaps "occasionally."

40 Praestructuram.

41 Instrumentum. [See cap. I, supra. And, above, note 9. Also in cap. iii. and the Apology, (cap. xlvii.) he calls the Testaments, Digests, or Sancta Digesta.]

42 By this canon of his, that the true Gospels must have for their authors either apostles or companions and disciples of apostles, he shuts out the false Gospels of the heretics, such as the Ebionites, Encratites, Nazarenes, and Marcionites (Le Prieur).

43 Apostolicos, companions of the apostles associated in the authorship.

44 He means, of course, St. Mark and St. Luke.

45 Adsistat illi.

46 Immo Christi.

47 Insinuant.

48 Instaurant

49 Isdem regulis.

50 Supplementum.

51 Viderit.

52 De capite.

53 Scilicet.

54 Evertere.

55 Congredi.

56 Dissimulamus.

57 Ex nostro.

58 Compare Irenaeus, Adversus Hoereses (Harvey), i. 25 and iii. 11; also Epiphanius, Hoer. xlii. See also the editor's notes on the passages in Irenaeus, who quotes other authorities also, and shows the particulars of Marcion's mutilations. [Vol. I. 429.]

59 Quem caederet.

60 Posterior.

61 See Hieronymi, Catal. Scriptt. Eccles. 7, and Fabricius notes.

62 Instrumenti.

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