26 Virtutum, "miracles."

27 Exauctoravit.

28 Matt. xxiv. 24. [See Kaye, p. 125.]

29 Auctore.

30 Proinde.

31 Cludet, quasi claudet.

32 Repromissis in.

33 Tantummmodo nova.

34 Egenta experimentis fidei victricis vetusatis.

35 i.e., through God's announcement by prophecy.

36 Your God.

37 Ipse.

38 Ejus (i.e. Marcionis) Dominum, meaning Marcion's God, who had not yet been revealed.

39 The Creator and His Christ, as rivals of Marcion's.

40 He twits Marcion with introducing his Christ on the scene too soon. n He ought to have waited until the Creator's Christ (prophesised of through the Old Testament) had come. Why allow him to be predicted, and them forbid His actual coming, by his own arrival on the scene first? Of course, M. must be understood to deny that Christ of the New Testament is the subject of the Old Testament prophecies at all. Hence T.'s anxiety to adduce prophecy as the main evidence of our Lord as being really the Creator's Christ.

41 Atquin.

42 Vanus.

43 The reader will remember that Tertullian is here arguing on Marcion's ground, according to whom the Creator's Christ, the Christ predicted through the O.T., was yet to come. Marcion's Christ, however, had proved himself so weak to stem the Creator's course, that he had no means really of checking the Creator's Christ from coming. It had been better, adds Tertullian, if Marcion's Christ had waited for the Creator's Christ to have forst appeared.

44 Marcion's Christ.

45 Emendare.

46 Revocare.

47 Aut si.

48 Posterior emendator futurus: an instance of Tertullian's style in paradox.

49 Vero.

50 Redarguens.

51 Si forte.

52 Proluserim.

53 [An important principle, See Kaye, p. 325.]

54 Familiare.

55 Expunctum.

56 Ch. 1. 6, slightly altered.

57 Joel iii. 18.

58 Ex. iii. 8, 17; Deut. xxvi. 9, 15.

59 Isa. xli. 18, 19, inexactly quoted.

60 Relturus.

61 Hoereticorum apostolus. We have already referred to Marcion's acceptance of St. Paul's epistles. It has been suggested that Tertullian in the text uses Hoereticorum apostolus as synonymous with ethnicorum apostolus = "apostle of the Gentiles," in which case allusion to St. Paul would of course be equally clear. But this interpretation is unnecessary.

62 1 Cor. ix. 9.

63 1 Cor. x. 4; compare below, book v., chap. vii.

64 Gal. iv. 22, 24.

65 Eph. v. 31, 32.

66 "Remember, O reader."

67 Constitisse.

68 Socaiari cum.

69 Marcion.

70 The model of wise naval legislation, much of which found its way into the Roman pandects.

71 Symbol of barbarism and ignorance-a heavy joke against the once seafaring heretic.

72 Ignoratus, "rejected of men."

73 Isa. xxix. 14.

74 Isa. vi. 9, 10. Quoted with some verbal differences.

75 A supposed quotation of Amos iv. 13. See Oehler's marginal reference. If so, the reference to Joel is either a slip of Tertullian or a corruption of his text; more likely the former, for the best mss. insert Joel's name. Amos iv. 13, according to the LXX., runs,'Apagge/llwn ei0j a0nqrw/pouj to\n Xristo\n au0tou=, which exactly suits Tertullian's quotation. Junius supports the reference to Joel, supposing that Tertullian has his ch. ii. 31 in view, as compared with Acts ii. 16-33. This is too harsh an interpretation. It is simpler and better to suppose that Tertullian really meant to quote the LXX. of the passage in Amos, but in mistake named Joel as his prophet.

76 Isa. xlii. 19, altered.

77 Isa. i. 2, 3.

78 This seems to be a translation with a slight alteration of the LXX. version of Lam. iv. 20, pneu=ma prosw/pou h9mw=n Xristo\j Ku/rioj .

79 Isa. i. 4.

80 Retro.

81 Per ejusdem substantiae conditionem.

82 He seems here to allude such statements of God's being as Col. ii. 9.

83 Substantiam praedictationis.

84 Materiam.

85 Alterius, "the other," i.e., Marcion's rival God.

86 Planum in signis, cf. the Magnum in potestate of Apolog. 21.

87 Aemulum, "a rival," i.e., to Moses.

88 Nec hominem ejus ut alienum judicaverint, "His manhood they judged not to be diffrent."

89 Rationem.

90 Humilitate.

91 A reference to, rather than quotation from, Isa. liii. 7.

92 Sicut puerulus, "like a little boy," or, "a sorry slave."

93 Isa. liii. 2, 3, according to the Septuagint.

94 See Isa. lii. 14, liii. 3, 4.

95 Isa. viii. 14

96 Ps. viii. 6.

97 Ps. xxii. 7.

98 Consummationem: an allusion to Zech. iv. 7.

99 See Dan. ii. 34.

100 Dan. vii. 13, 14.

101 Ps. xlv. 2, 3.

102 Ps. viii. 5, 6.

103 Zech. xii. 10, 12.

104 Isa. liii. 8.

105 Joshua, i.e., Jesus.

106 Podere.

107 Cidari munda.

108 See Zech. iii.

109 Jejunio, see Lev. xvi. 5, 7, etc.

110 Circumdatus.

111 Perhaps in reference to Heb. ix. 19.

112 Civitatem, "city."

113 In perditionem.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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