268 Ex. xx. 9, 10.

269 Figuras.

270 De absolutis.

271 [He was not punished for gathering sticks, but for setting an example of contempt of the Divine Law.]

272 Substantiam.

273 Caecae.

274 Titulum. [See Vol. II. p. 477, this series.]

275 Num. xxi. 8,9.

276 See John iii. 14.

277 Exemplum.

278 Refragari.

279 Statu.

280 In chap. xviii. towards the end. [p. 311, supra.]

281 Isa. i. 11.

282 Ps. l. 13.

283 An inexact qutation of Isa. xl .28.

284 Honorem.

285 Infuscabit.

286 Titulus.

287 See Isa. i. 11-14.

288 Fecerat seems the better reading: q.d. "which he had performed," etc. Oehler reads fecerant.

289 Levem.

290 Damnet.

291 Atquin.

292 Or, "for one who is a good man and a judge."

293 1 Sam. ix.

294 1 Sam. xiii.

295 Dispungetur.

296 Censura.

297 Apud illum.

298 1 Sam. xv. 11.

299 Porro.

300 1 Sam. ix. 2.

301 Onerabat.

302 Invidiosam.

303 Criminosam.

304 Jonah iii. 10.

305 Jonah iv. 2.

306 Titulum.

307 Malitiae concursum.

308 Non capit.

309 Nunc.

310 Isa. xlv. 7.

311 Jer. xviii. 11.

312 Infamiam.

313 See above, chap. xiv. [p. 308, supra.]

314 Malitia, i.e., "the evil" mentioned in the cited Jonah iii. 10.

315 Thus, according to St. Jerome, in Matt. vi. 34, kaki/a means ka/kwsij. "Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof"-the occurent adversities.

316 In isto articulo.

317 Atqui hie.

318 Or, "in his capacity as Judge," ex justitia.

319 Immo.

320 Ingratia.

321 1 Sam. xv. 28.

322 Ver. 29, but inexactly quoted.

323 Relucet.

324 Nedum.

325 Ut omnia expediam.

326 Purgandas.

327 Pusillitates.

328 Gen. ii. 9, 11.

329 Immo.

330 Sugillatione.

331 Dolendi.

332 Oculatiorem.

333 Praeterire.

334 Naso.

335 Hoc. nomine.

336 Relevandi.

337 Ex ore tuo, "out of thine own mouth."

338 Matt. xii. 37.

339 Propter statum legis.

340 Gen. iii. 22. [II. Peter, i. 4.]

341 Ipsum. [Comp. Heb. ix. 8, and Rev. xxii. 14.]

342 Relevatos.

343 Gen. xviii. 21. [Marccion's god also "Comes down." p. 284, supra.]

344 See Jer. xxii. 5.

345 Isa. xliv. 8.

346 Deprehendis.

347 Extorquens.

348 Pusillus.

349 Ex. xxxii. 10.

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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