369 Luke vi. 40.

370 Universae.

371 Utique.

372 Nominarentur et ipsae

373 Nominatione, i.e. by the apostles.

374 Praecedente.

375 Fine.

376 Praecedente.

377 Praejudicarentur. [i.e. by Proescription.]

378 i.e., in the days of the apostles, and by their mouth.

379 Res.

380 Indicium proprietatis, a proof of its being their own.

381 Cathedrae

382 Suis locis praesident.

383 Authenticae This much disputed phrase may refer to the autographs or the Greek originals (Rather than the Latin translations), or full unmutilated copies as opposed to the garbled ones of the heretics. The second sense is probably the correct one.

384 [Note, those near by may resort to this ancient and glorious church; not as any better than Corinth, or Philippi, or having any higher Apostolic throne. See Irenaeus, Vol. I. p. 415, (note) and Elucid. p. 460.]

385 Compare our Anti-Marcion, iv. 5, p. 186.

386 The Baptist's.

387 [Observe-"even with us in Africa." If this implies noteworthy love, it proves that there was no organic relation requiring such particular fellowship, even in the West.]

388 Miscet.

389 We have taken Oehler's hint in favour of "martyrio." The usual reading "martyrium" (meaning "she exhorts to martyrdom") is stiff, and unsuited to the context.

390 De.

391 Or, "they were not of it, because they were opposed to it," i.e., the discipline or teaching.

392 Nucleo.

393 Necessariae.

394 Papavere. "Ego cum aliis papaver ficus interpretor de seminalibus ficus, non de ipso fructu" (Oehler).

395 Frutice.

396 We again follow Oehler's hint, who would like to read "de grano veritatis." The texts are obscure, and very much here.

397 Silvestres.

398 "That is, in following out their own choice (ai=resij) of opinions, they both receive and admit the name of heretics." ai9retikoi/, "self-choosers" (Dodgson). [In Theology, technically, one must be a baptized Christian in order to be a heretic. The Mohammedans, e.g., are not heretics but pagans. But, our author speaks rhetorically.]

399 Capiunt.

400 Compare 1 Tim. v. 21, and vi. 13; 2 Tim. ii. 14, and iv. 1-4.

401 By the instrumenta doctrinae he here means the writings of the New Testament.

402 [Our author insists on the precise agreement of Catholic Tradition with Holy Scripture. See valuable remarks on Schleiermacher, in Kaye, pp. 279-284.]

403 We add the original of this sentence, which is obscured by its terseness: "Quid de proprio intelimus, ut aliquid contrarium ei et in Scripturis deprehensum detractione vel adjectione vel transmutatione remediaremus?"

404 That is, teaching the same faith and conversation (De la Cerda).

405 Domestica.

406 Integro instrumento.

407 Callidiore ingenio.

408 That is, cutting out whatever did not fall in with it (Dodgson).

409 Non comparentium rerum. [Note, he says above "of them, the Scriptures, we, Catholics, have our being." Proescription but supplies a short and decisive method with innovaters.]

410 See Eph. Vi. 12, and 1 Cor. xi. 18.

411 Instruendis.

412 Oehler reads "ex Vergilio," although the Codex Agobard. as "ex Virgilio".

413 Denique. ["Getica lyra."]

414 Otis.

415 Nec. Periclitor dicere. [Truly, a Tertullianic paradox; but compare 2 Pet. iii. 16. N.B. Scripture the test of heresy.]

416 1 Cor. xi. 19.

417 "Interpretur" is here a passive verb.

418 Res.

419 Sacramentorum divinorum. The form, however, of this phrase seems to point not only to the specific sacraments of the gospel, but to the general mysteries of our religion.

420 Compare Tertullian's treatises, de Bapt. v. and de Corona, last chapter.

421 Expositionem.

422 "et sub gladio redimit coronam" is the text of this obsncure sentence, which seems to allude to a pretended martyrdom. Compare Tertullian's tract, de Corona, last chapter.

423 The Flamen Dialis. See Tertullian's tract, ad Uxorem, i. 7.

424 [Corruptio optimi pessima. Compare the surprising parallels of M. Huc between debased Christianity and the paganism of Thibet, etc. Souvenirs d'un voyage, etc. Hazlitt's translation, 1867.]

425 Morositatem Illam. [He refers to the minute and exactious ordinances complained of by St. Peter (Acts xiv. 10,) which Latin Christianity has ten-folded, in his name.]

426 Gestiit.

427 Attemperare.

428 i.e., the Scriptures of the New Testament.

429 Conversationis.

430 See Matt. vii. 6.

431 Lenocinium. "Pandering" is Archdeacon Dodgson's word.

432 Miscent.

433 Edocti.

434 Repromittere.

435 Compare Tertullian's tract, de Bapt. I. And de Veland. Virg. viii. [Also, Epiphan. iv. p. 453, Ed. Oehler.]

436 Temerariae

437 They were constantly changing their ministers. It was a saying of the heretics, "Alius hodie episcopus, cras alius" (Rigalt.).

438 Saeculo obstrictos.

439 Promereri est.

440 Non parent.

441 Enim. [e.g. The Trent system of Unity, alas! Is of this sort.]

442 Hence the saying, "Wasps make combs, so Marcionites make churches" (see our Anti-Marcion, p. 187); describing the strangeness and uselessness of the societies, not (As Gibbon said) their number (Dodgson).

443 Sua in vilitate. Another reading, pronounced corrupt by Oehler, as "quasi sibi latae vagantur," q.d. "All for themselves, as it were, they wander" etc. (Dodgson).

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