169 Luke vi. 43, 44.

170 Matt. iii. 7-9.

171 Eph. v. 8.

172 Eph. ii. 3.

173 1 Cor. vi. 11.

174 See our Anti-Marcion, ii. 5-7.

175 In his work against this man, entitled De Censu Animoe, not now extant.

176 Tertullian had shown that "the soul is the breath or afflatus of God." in ch. iv. And xi. above. He demonstrated its "immortality" in ch. ii.-iv., vi., ix., xiv.; and he will repeat his proof hereafter, in ch. xxiv., xxxviii., xlv., li., liii., liv. Moreover, he illustrates the soul's "corporeity" in ch. v.-viii.; its "endowment with form or figure," in ch. ix.; its "simplicity in substance" in ch. x. and xi.; its "inherent intelligence," in ch. xii.; its varied development, in ch. xiii.-xv. The soul's "rationality," "supremacy," and "instinctive divination," Tertullian treated of in his treatise De Censu Animoe against Hermogenes (as he has said in the text); but he has treated somewhat of the soul's "rational nature" ins his sixteenth chapter above; in the fourteenth and fifteenth chapters he referred to the soul's "supremacy or hegemony:" whilst we have had a hint about its "divining faculty," even in infants, in ch. xix. The propagation of souls from the one archetypal soul is the subject of the chapter before us, as well as of the five succeeding ones (La Cerda).

177 Nihil Deo appendimus.

178 Exorbitationis.

179 In his, now lost, treatise, De Censu Animoe.

180 Above, in ch. xix. xx. pp. 200, 201.

181 Or, "which has been too short for calculation."

182 "Inhaled" is Bp. Kaye's word for adduci, "taken up."

183 Educi.

184 Vivacitas.

185 Ciborum vanitates.

186 Rapiens.

187 Anima.

188 Anulocultro. [To be seen in the Museum at Naples.]

189 Or, "the whole business (totem facinus) is despatched.

190 So Plato, Cratylus, p. 399, c. 17.

191 Censentur.

192 Liberi aliqui.

193 See Pliny, Natural History, vii. 9.

194 See above, ch. x.

195 Mark xvi. 9.

196 Mark vi. 1-9.

197 See above, ch. v.

198 Of the Scriptures.

199 Gen. xxv. 22, 23.

200 Gen. xxv. 26.

201 Luke i. 41-45.

202 Luke i. 46.

203 Jer. i. 5.

204 Gen. ii. 7.

205 Jer. i. 5.

206 Comp. De Resurr. Carnis, xlv.

207 So Plato, Phoedo p. 64.

208 Materiae

209 Gen. i. 28.

210 Lupanaria.

211 See above, c. xxv. p. 206.

212 Gen. i. 28.

213 Ver. 26.

214 Ver. 26.

215 Phoedo, p. 70.

216 [Hermes. See Bacon, De Aug. i. p. 99.]

217 De posteris defunctis.

218 De posteris defunctis.

219 From kataba/llein, to knock down.

220 From pa/redoj, sitting by one.

221 From puqwniko/j, an attitude of Pythius Apollo, this class were sometimes called e0ggastri/muqoi, ventriloquists.

222 Visualitatis.

223 Insipientiam. "Imbecility" is the meaning here, though the word takes the more general sense in the next clause.

224 Deferatur.

225 A probable allusion to Varro's work, De Antiqq. Rerum Humanarum.

226 An allusion to Plato's notion that, at the end of a thousand years, such a restoration of the dead, took place. See his Phaedrus, p. 248, and De Republ. x. p. 614.

227 Signatur. Rigaltius reads "singulatur, after the Codex Agobard., as meaning, "The single origin of the human race is in principle maintained," etc.

228 Temere.

229 Recensentur.

230 Hujus.

231 Alias.

232 This is the force of the objective nouns, which are all put in the plural form.

233 Ps. xlix. 20.

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