79 Ordo.

80 Genus.

81 Literally, "holding the inquiry makes for the laws."

82 Per defectionem agnoscendi.

83 Sibi debet.

84 Justitiae suae.

85 Merito.

86 Despuuntur.

87 Comp. The Apology, cc. vii, viii.

88 Aeneid. iv. 174. "Fame, than which never plague that runs Its way more swiftly wins."-Conington.

89 "A plague" = malum.

90 Quid? Quod "Yea more."

91 Ambitione.

92 Traduces.

93 Prodigiam. The word is "indicem" in The Apology.

94 Disciplina ejus illuxit.

95 Damnatio invaluit.

96 Aemula sibi.

97 Divinitatem consecutae

98 See above, c. ii. note.

99 i.e., What is the value of such evidence?

100 We have inserted this phrase as the sentence is strongly ironical.

101 Deferre, an infinitive or purpose, of which construction of our author Oehler gives examples.

102 Fructus.

103 Si etiam sibi credat.

104 Quidem.

105 Talia factitare.

106 We read "quo," and not "quod," because.

107 Conversatio.

108 This refers to a calumny which the heathen frequently spend about the Christians.

109 Detrectem or simply "treat of," "refer to," like the simple verb "tractare".

110 The irony of all this passage is evident.

111 Diversum opus.

112 Subjiciuntur "Are stealthily narrated."

113 Inducunt.

114 It is difficult to see what this "tacent igitur" means without referring to the similar passage in The Apology (end of c. viii.), which supplies a link wanted in the context. "At all events," says he, "they know this afterward, and yet submit to it, and allow it. They fear to be punished, while, if they proclaimed the truth, they would deserve universal approbation." Tertullian here states what the enemies of the Christians used to allege against tme. After discovering the alleged atrocities of their secret assemblies, they kept their knowledge forsooth to themselves, being afraid of the consequences of a disclosure, etc.

115 We have for convenience treated "protrahunt" (q.d. "nor do they report them") as a neuter verb.

116 Even worse than Thyestean atrocities would be believed of them.

117 Miserae atque miserendae.

118 Viderimus.

119 See below, in c. xix.

120 Animam.

121 Rudem, "hardly formed."

122 Extraneam.

123 Immo idcirco.

124 Quanto constare.

125 "An alii ordines dentium Christianorum, et alii specus faucium?" (literally, "Have Christians other sets of teeth, and other caverns of jaws?") This seems to refer to voracious animals like the shark, whose terrible teeth, lying in several rows, and greediness to swallow anything, however incongruous, that comes in its way, are well-known facts in natural history.

126 Positione.

127 Compare The Apology, c. viii.

128 Cynopae This class would furnish the unnatural "teeth," and "jaws," just referred to.

129 Sciapodes with broad feet producing a large shade; suited for the "incestuous lust" above mentioned.

130 Literally, "which comes up from under ground."

131 Tertullian got this story from Herodotus, ii. 2.

132 Ipsius animae organo.

133 Faucibus.

134 Utpote linguatuli.

135 This is one of the passages which incidentally show how widely spread was Christianity.

136 De Superstitione.

137 Comp. The Apology, cc. xl. xli. [And Augustine, Civ. Dei. iii.]

138 By the "manceps erroris" he means the devil.

139 Libitina.

140 Christianorum meritum, which with "sit" may also, "Let the Christians have their due." In The Apology the cry is, "Christianos ad leonem."

141 We insert this after Oehler. Tertullian's words are, "Quasi modicum habeant aut aliud metuere qui Deum verum."

142 See above, c. vii.

143 Saeculum digessit.

144 Aliter vobis renuntiata.

145 Absolutum est.

146 Comp. The Apology, cc. xii. xiii. xiv. xv.

147 See The Apology (passim), especially cc. xvi.-xxiv. xxx.-xxxvi. And xxxix.

148 Admentationibus.

149 Plane.

150 Traditum.

151 Vel.

152 Perinde a vobis.

153 Quibus est.

154 Adsolaverunt, "thrown to the ground;" "floored."

155 Sactam. [Rather-"A Christian secession."]

156 Perhibetis.

157 Domestica consecratione, i.e., "for family worship."

158 Addicitur.

159 Conducitur.

160 Eadem.

161 Exactione, "as excise duty for the treasury."

162 Immo.

163 "In money," stipibus.

164 " Victims. "

Website by C.J.S. Hayward (The Angelic Letters, The TED Talk That Never Was: "The Silicon Rule", Doxology, The Consolation of Theology).

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