183 [On the Faith, see p. 444, note 6, supra.]
184 Me/tra is the reading of the text, but is plainly an error for me/trw|, which is the reading of Eusebius.
188 [The bearing of this passage on questions of Sabbatical and Dominical observances, needs only to be indicated.]
190 [See Leighton, Works, vol. v. p. 62, the very rich and copious note of the editor, William West, of Nairn, Scotland. Elucidation IX.]
192 H Stephanus, in his Fragments of Bacchylides, reads ai0kelei/wn (foul) instead of a0ei kai\ li/an of the text.
193 Quoted in Exhortation to the Heathen, p. 192, ante, and is here corrected from the text there.