118 In reference to Prov. xxxi. 22.

119 Prov. xxxi. 26, 27, 28, 30, quoted from memory, and with variety of reading.

120 Prov. xii. 4.

121 Prov. v. 3-5, Septuagint.

122 We have read from the New College ms.. swfrosu/nh for swfrosu/nhj.

123 From some comic poet.

124 Some read w!ran a0polei/pei. [New College ms..] In the translation the conjecture w!ra a0polei/pein is adopted.

125 An adaptation of Prov. v. 5, 6.

126 An imitation of Zeno's saying, "It is better to slip with the feet than the tongue."

127 Quoting from memory, he has substituted e!kkoyon for e!cele. (Matt. v. 29).

128 Prov. x. 10.

129 Ecclus. xxvi. 9.

130 Col. iii. 5, 6.

131 [A similar practice, very gross and unbecoming, prevails among the lower class of girls brought together in our common schools.]

132 Prov. ix. 13-18.

133 to\ a!sxhmon sxh=ma (Isa. iii. 16, 17), Sept.

134 a0 ku/wn, catella. The literal English rendering is coarser and more opprobrious than the original, which Helen applies to herself. (Iliad, vi. 344, 356).

135 1 Pet. ii. 18.

136 1 Pet. iii. 8. Clement has substituted tapeino/fronej for filo/fronej (courteous).

137 This passage has been variously amended and translated. The reading of the text has been adhered to, but o\rqo/nou has been coupled with what follows.

138 Sylburg suggests pariou/aj (passing by) instead of parizou/saj.

139 ku!boj, a die marked on all the six sides. [This prohibition would include cards in modern ethics.]

140 ku!boj, a die marked on all the six sides. [This prohibition would include cards in modern ethics.]

141 ku!boj, a die marked on all the six sides. [This prohibition would include cards in modern ethics.]

142 Lev. xi. 13, 14; Deut. xiv. 12.

143 Ps. i. 1, Septuagint.

144 Acts iii. 14.

145 a0namiciaj adopted instead of the reading a0mici/aj, which is plainly wrong.

146 lixneuou/shj on the authority of the Pal. ms.. Nov. Reg. Bod.

147 Jeremy Collier's Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage (London, 1698) and the discussions that followed belong to literature, and ought to be republished with historic notes.]

148 Ex. xx. 7.

149 In allusion to the cleansing of the temple (John ii. 13-17; Matt. xxi. 12, 13; Luke xix. 45, 46).

150 [This early use of the word "church" for the place or house of worship, is to be noted. See Elucidation ii.]

151 1 Cor. xi. 5. [This helps to the due rendering of e0cousi/an e0pi\ th=j kefalh=j in 1 Cor. xi. 10.]

152 [1 Cor. xi. 22. But I cannot say that the word e0kklhsi/a is used for the place of Christian worship, even in this text, where it seems to be in antithesis with the dwelling-house.]

153 Matt. viii. 22.

154 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10.

155 [The sexes sat apart in the primitive churches, and the kiss of peace was given by women only to women (Bunsen, Hippol., iii. p. 15). Does the author, here, imply that unholy kissing had crept in? Among the Germans, even in our days, nothing is more common than to see men, not at all related, salute one another in this way. It was therefore all one with shaking hands, in the apostolic ordinance. For some very fine reflections on the baiser de paix, see De Masitre, Soirèes, ii. p. 199, ed. Paris, 1850.]

156 Rom. xvi. 16.

157 1 John v. 3.

158 Matt. v. 13.

159 Prov. xxvii. 14.

160 Prov. iv. 25.

161 2 Cor. viii. 20, 21.

162 Ecclus. ix. 8.

163 Ecclus. ix. 8.

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