23 [Query, de re Nixotiana?]

24 [Smelling of Nicotine?]

25 Dan. vii. 9. [A truly eloquent passage.]

26 Matt. v. 36.

27 Ecclus. xxv. 6.

28 Eph. iv. 20-24.

29 [On the other hand, this was Esau's symbol; and the sensual "satyrs" (Isa. xiii, 2) are "hairy goats," in the original. So also the originals of "devils" in Lev. xvii. 7, and 2 Chron. xi. 15. See the learned note of Mr. West, in his edition of Leighton, vol. v. p. 161.]

30 Matt. x. 30.

31 e/gkatariqme/nhn seems to be here used in a middle, not a passive sense, as katariqmhme/noj is sometimes.

32 2 Cor. xiii. 5.

33 [Such were the manners with which the Gospel was forced everywhere to contend. That they were against nature is sufficiently clear from the remains of decency in some heathen. Herodotus (book i. cap. 8) tells us that the Lydians counted it disgraceful even for a man to be seen naked.]

34 Deut. xxiii. 17.

35 Rom. viii. 28, 29.

36 Lev. xix. 29.

37 [When the loss of the beard was a token of foppery and often of something worse, shaving would be frivolity; but here he treats of extirpation.]

38 Ps. cxxxiii. 2.

39 Ecclus. xix. 29, 30.

40 Hesiod, Works and Days, i. 232.

41 Of which they drink.

42 [He took upon him our nature, flesh and blood. Heb. ii. 14-16.]

43 1 Sam. viii. 13.

44 Ex. xxiii. 2.

45 Ecclus. ix. 7.

46 Ecclus. xi. 29.

47 Ecclus. ix. 16.

48 Eph. v. 5.

49 foco/j, in allusion to Thersites, to which Homer applies this epithet.

50 [The wasting on pet dogs, pups, and other animals, expense and pains which might help an orphan child, is a sin not yet uprooted. Here Clement's plea for widows, orphans, and aged men, prepares the way for Christian institution in behalf of these classes. The same arguments should prevail with Christians in America.]

51 Prov. xix. 17.

52 Matt. xxv. 40.

53 Prov. x. 4.

54 Hesiod, Works and Days, ii. 371.

55 [Such were women before the Gospel came. See note to Hermas, cap. xi. note 1, p. 47, this volume, and Elucidation (p. 57) of the same.]

56 [The barbarians were more decent than the Greeks, being nearer to the state of nature, which is a better guide than pagan civilization. But see the interesting note of Rawlinson (Herod., vol. i. p. 125, ed. New York), who quotes Thucydides (i. 6) to prove the recent invasion of immodest exposure even among athletes. Our author has this same quotation in mind, for he almost translates it here.]

57 [Attic girls raced in the games quite naked. Spartan girls wore only the linen chiton, even in the company of men; and this was esteemed nudity, not unjustly. David's "uncovering himself" (2 Sam. vi. 20) was nudity of the same sort. Married women assumed to peplus.]

58 Matt. v. 28.

59 John i. 3.

60 Prov. viii. 10, 11.

61 Prov. viii. 19.

62 Prov. xi. 24.

63 Ps. cxii. 9.

64 Matt. vii. 7, 8.

65 Prov. iii. 5.

66 1 Kings xix. 4, 6.

67 Luke x. 4.

68 Prov. xiii. 8.

69 [Kaye, p. 97.]

70 [A beautiful apophthegm, and admirably interpretative of Ps. xxxvii. 25.]

71 Deut. viii. 3; Matt. iv. 4.

72 The word used by Clement here for frugality is eu/te/leia, and he supposes the word to mean originally "spending well." A proper way of spending money is as good as unfailing riches, since it always has enough for all that is necessary.

73 [This plea for similitudes illustrates the principle of Hermas, and the ground of the currency of his Pastor.]

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